230 cc implants – unhappy :( Started by: ** Jade **

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    Hi girls.

    Im new to this but am feeling so down and upset about my implants atm and really need some advice and people to talk to.
    I had 230cc mhp unders almost 6 weeks ago and I am finding it so hard to come to terms with the fact that they are still small. I think I am a b, maybe small C but as I’ve learnt fake boobs look smaller!

    From being a 32aa originally I had hardly any breast tissue whatsoever and was very petite on top, therefore I was advised not to go any bigger.
    I’m kicking myself because I knew I wouldn’t end up very big and I never even wanted to be big in the first place!.. or so I thought. But now I think I just convinced myself of that.

    I did go on a lot of forums beforehand, but I think this might not have helped as maybe I got too obsessed by other peoples sizes and stats etc…

    I’m still in a sports bra and can start wearing bras in a few days as long as they have no wire in them. I have bought a couple but I still don’t feel really happy when wearing them and not my sports bras!
    I don’t blame my surgeon as I got what I initially asked for, to look natural so I have no one else to blame but myself.

    I’m devastated that I feel I’ve wasted all that money and I am so desperate to be happy 🙁

    If anyone can offer any advice or support on how to cope? Am I stressing about this too early on?


    zoeanne 2

    hey hun, my friend had her implants done and i think she had exsactly the same size she was an AA very small and this was the biggest the surgeon would let her have. she is now over 6 months post op and they have fluffed so much she went from a large C and now is wearing DD as when they have healed nicely they have got so much bigger. I would hold out as your so early they are bound to fluff when they settle and become bigger. xx


    I’m sorry you feel this way hun x As Zoeanne said, you still have a lot of fluffing and settling to do, my implants didn’t drop and fluff properly until the 5month mark so give it time sweet, I know it’s difficult though x


    Thanks for the advice guys.
    I just feel worse off atm, what with spending the money and also I feel embarrassed around people who know I have had it done as there isn’t really any difference. I’m covering my chest up even more then before!
    I’m hoping once I get into some nice bras I won’t worry in front of people so much as can wear padded bras, just didn’t think I would have to wear these again 🙂
    O I really hope it works out for the better in the end and that my surgeon was right… xx

    Stephanie -1

    I know i’ve had larger implants. I had 340 and i’m six and a half weeks post op. I’ve worn sports bras upto today that squish them all up I didn’t realise how squished they were but today wearing a nice slightly padded underwire bra just to show off, they are completely getting in the way every time i’m typing i keep hitting them… I think you will get a nice surprise once you are out of the dreaded sports bra, and they relax a bit more.

    Please don’t despair, it’s really tedious but you just need to wait and see what they look like in another week or two when you can get into good bras.

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