23days pre op ???? how long was you in pain for?? Started by: Genna

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  • Genna 3

    So it’s 23 days until my operation!
    300ccs with lift after 2 kids and breastfeeding for a year!!!

    So excited but so nervous. How long was you in pain for after lift/implants.. it’s my friends birthday meal 2 weeks after my surgery and of course she knows that this is happening and that I’m more than likely not going to be able to see her but is it possible/likely ill be ok to go out and about x

    Michaela 15

    Morning. I was good to go out after a few days. We had a big 70th family party that I attended 6 days post op. All was well just worried about getting cuddled & squeezed too much by relatives ????


    You will be fine after 2 weeks, I had a full lift and unexpectedly had to go back to work after 2 days! The pain is more a discomfort, a tight stinging sensation when you move your arms too much, and they are a little tender with bruising. Honestly though it isn’t that bad and now at 1 week post op I have no pain at all, just some itching from the dressings.

    Jem 7

    I attempted to go out just under 3 weeks, only shopping & it was awful. I was in pain for quite a long time after my op. But everyone is different. I personally think you’ll have to wait & see how you’re feeling. As no 2 people are the same xxx

    Lea 14

    Hi. I’m 3 weeks post op and i still have pain. More so in my right boob. I get stinging and shooting pains and they are still tender to touch.
    I’ve been out and about in the day but can’t for too long, i feel when I’ve over done it.
    I also have a 7 month old and I can’t lift him just yet.
    Everyone heals differently, it’s just taking me longer unfortunately x

    Caz -2

    @lea2017 How are you coping with not holding your little one? I’m worried about this and not sure if i’ll be able to do it! X

    Lea 14

    @account123 Hi hun, it is difficult as I feel a lot of guilt but I know in the end it will be worth it.
    I try to sit with him on my lap to have cuddle times but yeah it is hard not being able to just pick him up. I would def advise to get as much support as you can. Xxx

    Genna 3

    Lea how do you cope with nap times? I’ve tried getting my 17month old into a bed but his having none of it!!! I’m so worried how I’m going to get him in and out of a cot x

    Lea 14

    @genna93 · Hi. I just leave him to nap on the sofa beside me as I can’t lift him in and out the cot. My mum has been on hand a lot getting him to sleep during the day while my boyfriend is at work though. After the 1st week I could have him in my arms when I’m sat down but I wouldn’t of been able to lift him as i was still in alot of pain. Im nearly 4 weeks post op and i still havent lifted him yet although i feel like i could now i was told not to for 6 weeks so I’m not going to risk it.
    I was so worried about this l, read up alot and some girls were fine. You will manage hun you just learn to get around it but if you can get the support x

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