24hrs post op. don't know what I nervous for Started by: Julieg1

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  • Julieg1 1

    Well I had the op at Preston yesterday at 11. Was out by 3. Stayed in a hotel now back home. Obviously really ache today. Must admit when I first looked at them in the hospital I felt sick thinking all that money and they don’t look big 415 cc. But after taking bra off I’m well pleased with them. Apparently when I was coming round in theatre I tried to get out of bed, told them I need to look after my dog. 2 nurses had to run over and swing my legs back in. Funny because I can’t remember a thing. But I’m not surprised because my dog is my world. Glad I took a pillow to put across me in the car for the seat belt.

    Samantha 1

    Congratulations on your new additions! Im sure the nerves will pass and you can start enjoying them. My op is on Friday and I am crapping myself!! Happy healing hun 🙂 xx

    Julieg1 1

    It was so easy and the nurses were really nice. So glad I’ve had it done. Only take one painkiller, 2 makes me dizzy. You’ve got nothing to worry about, honest.


    Haha I was waving and giving thumbs up to my friends on the way back to my room. I don’t remember that either xx

    Chloé -2

    Hahahha, maybe I should worry more about coming round & the things I may do & say hahaha oh dear you’ve got me laughing my head off xxx

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