25 days + post op still sleeping up Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie 279

    I’m 25 days post op now and I’m still sleeping upright. Not fully but at an angle. The nurse told me to do this for 6 weeks but just reading over the notes they give you in the black folder and it says sleep up for at least 2 weeks of possible?! Wondering if I can lay flat yet?!xx

    Brigitta 12

    I am 9day post op and seen my nurse yesterday. She told me from the weekend I can sleep normal if it’s not hurt, if it does stay upright while normal sleep.become comfortable. So yes, normally after 2 weeks you can sleep normal, but if you feel its too early as it hurts, stay upright. She also said the swelling goes down quicker if you stay upright. I hope it helps.



    My nurse told me to just listen to my body. So I tired laying flat but my body is saying NO lol

    I feel like one of my implants is moving out the pocket every time I try. Hate it!

    But I have a corner sofa and I can put it on incline so I sleep there instead of my bed now because it’s so much more comfortable. Though I didn’t find the bed too bad as long as I had cousins under my knees. Xx

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