Hey, I’ve been told to go for a small implant as I have hardly any tissue. I don’t know many girls who have had this size implant and so I have no idea what to expect it to take me to. I’m a 32a and I was hoping to be a C/D. Has anyone been able to achieve this from a 32a? Thanks xx
Thanks girls, it’s so hard to guess how big it’s going to make you as like you say everywhere I read someone has had different results, quite bottom heavy so I wanted to go a good size to balance my body out. I think I’d be happier with ~300cc. Going to see a surgeon with mya soon I hope so maybe he will say different xx
Yeah 295& 300 is basically the same size, it’s not massively bigger than 250 so they shouldn’t have a problem doing it.. Defo try mya they’re so good when it comes to not knowing what size to go and stuff x
heyy hun i’m a 30a having 300cc implants on tuesday should take me to around a D as thats what i said i wanted xx
Thanks Chloe, I hope so! Goit a surgeon appointment on Monday with mya :).
Xxjessxx omg! Bet ur well excited! Let us know how u get on etc! Wish mine was sooner but can’t get the time
Off work till October (boooo)
Jessica, oooh so 300 should deffo take me to a d, I’m not sure how big I’d like to look maybe a full C, small D ish? It’s so hard to know! Anything will Be better than what I have now though (or should I say what I don’t have lol)
i’ll keep you posted hun! i’ll put pic’s up when i can aswell, i’m very excited cant wait now i’v added you hope thats okay? xx
Hello Hun! I had 255CC partials in the 29th June! So im actually 9 weeks tomorrow! Only just been measure I was a flat 32A and I’m now a 30DD!! Which sounds huge but they are so perfect! I’ve got quite a small frame so I was always gonna have a small implant! Trust the surgeon Hun! You can add me if you like!xx
Xjessx yes ofcourse! Argh it’s too exciting! Can’t wait to see the surgeon on Monday!!
Anna – you are roughly the same stats as me, that’s really good the size it’s take you to! I’m starting to feel a lot better about having a smaller implant as by the sounds of it 250-300 will take me to a D anyway!
Aimee- just seen ur pics and they look a lot bigger than I thought 255cc would! I was worried it was only going to take me to like a B and that I would think it wasnt worth the money but now I’m feeling much more confident.
Thanks everyone I feel so much better! Got an app with mya surgeon (dr Singh) on Monday and I will trust in whatever he decides then xxx
aww bless you haha! i was like that lol…2 days to go! xxx
Hiya! I had 325cc partials 9 weeks ago and I’ve gone from a 34a to a 34dd/32e. I am so pleased with my results. I didn’t want to look false. I’m 5ft3 and a size 8/10. I wanted to feel in proportion. The best advice I can give you is listen to your surgeon, he knows best. Implants come up completely different on each person xx
Hey Emma! I have my surgeon consultation tomorrow and everyone seems to be saying to go with what he recommends so I will take the advice and let you all know what size(s) he recommends tomorrow, but I’m thinking after reading yours and everyone else’s comments on here that 250-350 would definately be the kinda range I would like to be in. Lets hope that’s what’s I’m offered! thanks ladies! Xxxx
Hey! I am exact same measurements near enough and I’m having 280cc high profile unders
I’ve been told this will take me to a D cup from a 32A… Good luck with your consultation
Hey girls! So saw mr Singh today, op has been brought forward to the 16th October (woohoo!). Having 310cc extra high profile unders, 32a ATM and he said should take me to a C/D. So happy! Can’t wait! Xxx
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