250cc – 275cc boob job.. help?! Started by: Louisa Bailey

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    Hey girls, I’m trying to pick a size to go for. I had a consultation and chose 250cc, my surgeon said it’s probably the size that fits my measurements the best for a really natural look, but I hear most people wish they’d gone bigger after their surgery. My boobs are currently between an A and a B cup (I’ve attached a pic). I do want a natural look but I’d ideally like to end up as a small/medium sized D. I am 5’6 and 9stone 8, has anyone had a boob job with similar measurements or went for a similar size to me? Before & after pics would be really helpful!!! I’m just so indecisive about going a bit bigger than 250cc… any advice will be greatly appreciated !! X

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    Elizabeth 7

    hey babe. You’ll definatley be fine with 250cc. I had 250cc 3 weeks ago and I’m a 32C already. I was completley flat 28AA. I’m 9 stone also xx

    Kimberley 6

    Hi, I was a 32a and got 300cc – I’m only 3 weeks post op but I think I’ll be a small D if that! They deffo seem smaller once they’re in and healed, I thought 300 would be way too big but really happy I went bigger!

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    Bee 42

    I recommend going for as big as you are allowed – 250cc seems a bit on the small side if you want to be a D. Try and push for 300cc!


    Hi 🙂 so I went for 270cc. I am 5ft8 and 8 stone 12. I’ve been for my one week check up today and the nurse said she thinks I will be a 32E once they settle. I was aiming for a C/D cup! I nearly went for 310cc and am really pleased I didn’t. I guess we are all different though and 270 on other people might not get them to an E cup. I went under the muscle too. Hope this helps!


    Kimberly yours look amazing!!! In comparison to my boobs in the photo I posted, were yours much bigger or smaller? I don’t actually know what bra size I am Lol. Also, what kind of frame are you?


    Charlotte, what size were you before you had surgery? Hmmm, your experience is making me want to play it safe and go with 250…. but it’s so hard to judge because every implant looks so different from person to person !!

    Sarah Shep 7

    Here’s mine

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    Sarah they look amazing !! What size did you go for?

    Kimberley 6

    Thank you @Louise!! We’re pretty much the same stats, i’m 5ft 4 and around 9st 7ish – i was a really flat 32a before though so you deffo have a lot more boob than i started with! xx

    Natilly 37

    Hi Louisa.

    I think it really depends what you’re starting with!

    I’m 5ft 0” and 7 stone. I was a 32a. I had 300cc high profile round over the muscle and am now a 32d. I’m very happy with mine and think they’re perfect for my frame, I’m glad I neither went bigger or smaller!

    If you’re going under the muscle people tend to go a little bigger and they’re supposed to look slightly more natural than over the muscle. But of course everyone is different!

    I was offered up to 400cc but I didn’t want to be that big and also have very thin skin so worried about stretch marks and rippling!

    Good luck with whatever you decide!

    HelloMe 5

    Hello! I’m also stuck. My surgeon is using Nagor smooth round and I have to choose either between 240 and 270. I want a really natural look. I don’t want to suddenly have huge boobs, but want to be happy with them.
    I’m 39 post kids, 32A and 5’4″ just under 9 stone (56kg)
    Natural pear shape.
    Going for under the muscle and booked for end of April.

    Lindy 7

    Hey Hellome. I am pretty much exactly the same stats and the same age as you (although 40 looms in a few weeks!) I’ve got my face to face tomorrow and can let you know what the surgeon recommends for me if that would help. In the video consult he suggested 300cc but o think that will be too big.

    Louise 1

    I had my op yesterday, I am 5 ft 6 and just over 10 stone. I was a 34 a, surgeon told me 250-300 cc would get me a Full C-D cup. But I went to 325 cc and I’m really disappointed as they don’t look a full C, I’d say a small c at most.

    Charlotte 42

    Hi girls!

    i’m 5’6, about 8 stone and 30a. I’m having 250cc round HP partials on the 17th april! i can’t wait!

    Holly 5

    hey girls! im 5ft 5 and about 8 stone 8. im having 225CC’s but now i think i want to gor for 250s! im getting round moderate plus under the muscle. does anybody have similar stats to me getting similar implants? im so excited!! i dont want to be too big but at the same time dont want to go too small. so maybe 250 will be better? please help! thanks! xxx

    HelloMe 5

    Hi Lindy
    What did you decide in your face to face re sizing?


    I’m 5ft2 and 8st 7 39 years old post kids I’m having uplift and 275 cc implant under I’m booked in for Wednesday has anyone got pictures with similar stats I’m becoming really nervous 😬


    I was a 32 a (if that). Hope that helps 🙂


    Here are my before and after photos if they help anyone

    Charlotte 42

    hey everyone, i’ve had my 250cc implants now, i’m so happy with them! started off to totally flat but surgeon said the size is perfect! pic only a few hours post op so a bit swollen but really happy!

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    Heba Jaber 45

    How do they look now x

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