250cc Started by: Grace

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  • Grace 2

    I am having my surgery in a weeks time and I am having 250cc impacts high profile partial and I am worried this implant may be too small. I feel like it is probably too late to do anything about it now but a little advice would be great!! I am 8st and 5ft2.

    Thanks =)

    Monica 23

    It is NOT too late, You need to phone or e-mail your PC and tell her about your doubts. You can change your mind even days before the surgery. It is extremely important to choose the size right because it will save you a massive disappointment after your surgeon does his job. It is completely normal that girls change their minds. Nobody will blame you for it, don’t worry. In my opinion 250 cc is quite small, should take you to about C cup and if you want something bigger I would ask your surgeon for different size. Your band is quite small and maybe he can see that maximum what he can put in is 250. However, maybe he is not convinced enough that you wanted bigges boobies? Anyway, you need to speak up about it and they will put your mind at ease 🙂

    Jodie 39

    I decided on the day of my surgery and I had Dr Fuimara. Seen her about an hour before my op and decided when I was on the table ready to go in and I’m so happy with them. I had 250cc and started off a 30a and now I’m DD ? xx

    katy 4

    I’m 5ft 1 7 and a half stone
    And just got 400cc unders
    And love them

    katy 4

    Wasn’t finished lol
    I debated alot on my size even went back for a 2nd consultation to double check but chose to stick with 400 I’m hoping to be a DD but the sports bras I’m wearing are a r so wel c good luck xxx

    Grace 2

    thanks for the advice girls!! I have my medical tomorrow so maybe I can catch my PC then! It is such a hard decision to make and I have read so many girls saying the only thing that they wish they had done was go bigger and a lot of people saying go a little bigger than you wanted in the first place. Part of me just feels like I will be grateful for whatever after living my life so far with hardly anything there!! haha


    Paige 11

    @graceharris2364 hi Hun I’ve had 250cc today and they do feel quite bit at the moment when are you having surgery? I can show you pictures next Monday when my strapping off if that helps? Xxx

    Grace 2

    Hi Paige, I am having surgery next Saturday but I am worrying the size i have chosen is too small. Did you find it hard to choose how many cc you wanted? I always knew that I wanted them not too big and natural looking but even though I tried the bra with the implants in I still found it hard to picture what they would really be like.

    Grace 2

    P.s. I hope you are feeling okay!! How did the day go?

    Paige 11

    @graceharris2364 I’ll try and get a picture in my strapping tomorrow for you give you a rough idea! I just knew I wanted a C cup so today I had a choice from 225,250 and 275. If your unsure id definitely speak to your PC because I was scared of going too big and asked for 225 to be added just in case and they did it for me. The day went really well so much better than I ever expected 🙂 feeling ok just tried and a bit sick xx

    Grace 2

    That would be amazing thank you =) I am just worried as I told them on the day I was happy with 250cc and now I am unsure but kind of felt like it was too late to say anything. Do they check with you on the day then if you are happy with the size you are going for? I am going to see the nurse tomorrow so maybe if I catch my PC she could sort something out for me. I feel like I would like to go for 275cc I know it doesn’t seem much difference but kind of feeling at the moment that I don’t want to be disappointed with the results. Good to hear your day went well!! I hope you have a speedy recovery!!


    Paige 11

    Definitely mention it to them because you don’t want any regrets on your surgery day! Make sure your as comfortable as possible so ask them if you can see the surgeon and order a bigger size. I went in with 3 and felt so much better knowing I had the choice on the day 🙂 I’ll try and attach a photo for you xxx (please excuse how rough I look)

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    Paige 58

    I’m 8st and 5″3 and had 250cc… ?

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    Misia 54

    @graceharris2364 sorry see message above

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