250cc HP overs.too small? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 7

    Hi all I am 5ft, 7 stone with a petite frame. Dr Giannas recommended 250cc and an uplift. I was previously a small, very droopy, 32B .I’m starting to wonder if I should have gone slightly bigger. They look amazing but are no where near as big as they looked like they would be with the sizers at consultation. Has anyone else felt like this? I am 3 weeks pre op.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Emma 7.
    Katie 2

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Hey I’m 2 weeks PO 225cc implants, round, mod+ over the muscle with uplift. They originally tried to fit 275cc in but it wouldn’t fit so had to go 50cc smaller. I’m 5’8 size 10/12 and started out as an empty droopy 34B I’ll attach some pictures to give you an idea of how they fit my frame but I’m more than happy with the size as it stands! Xx

    Katie 2


    Emma 7

    ThNk you! That’s made me feel so much better xx send you a friend request would be so nice to have support from someone at the same stage as me xxxx

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