250cc Under the muscle – petite Started by: Beth

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  • Beth 1

    Hi girls,

    I had my op yesterday! My stats are:
    5ft2 (ish) 53kg and very petite frame. My surgeon offered me 250,315 and 375 but I opted for 250 unders as I wanted a natural look.

    I’m now really nervous that they are way too small! I wanted to be a full C cup after the op as I started as a 32A. Does anyone have any experience with them getting bigger when they have dropped and fluffed? I’ve got a lot of swelling around the side at the moment and they do feel a bit tight but I’m stressed that I went too small and that they won’t look the way I wanted them to! I’m still very excited because I will have at least some boobs now!

    Any pictures/advice is appreciated xxxx

    Louise 20

    Hi Beth, I think most of us worry about this. The size will change and increase as time goes on. Mine have changed a fair bit in the last 8 days and I’ve worried myself by looking at others with similar sizes who looked bigger from day one.
    Hope you have a speedy recovery x

    Leila -10

    250cc is way too small, you would end up looking like a full b cup and A cup when dressed. I had 350cc and it looks like a full c cup and a B cup when dressed. I would end up having a revision.

    Megan 57

    Hiya, I wouldn’t worry about it yet. You said you only had your op yesterday so however they are looking now, is nothing like how they will eventually look! I’m not sure what size they’ll be but I’m sure that once they’ve settled in a few weeks that you’ll love them. Think everyone gets a bit of boob greed after their op xx

    Beth 1

    Thank you Louise and Megan. I think I am obsessing too much but I am feeling really down that I am going through all this and that they may be too small. I don’t know whether my skin is just tight and the muscles are holding them back at the moment. The 3D image that my surgeon showed me looked like 255cc would be the absolute perfect size for me but I’m really doubting it now. I guess I just need to relax and stop thinking about it – I’m spending so much time looking at other peoples boobs on the internet! Just takes away the excitement I was expecting to feel I think x

    Assymetric 50

    @Beth I wouldn’t worry about what Leila has said, everyone is different and everyone’s end point is different due to our own unique anatomy and how our bodies take on the implant. I’ve seen so many people say on these boards not to underestimate a small implant, and I think it’s true. Everyone has their own idea about what they want and going for the bigger implant may not have given you the natural look you’re looking for and may have made you feel self conscious for having an obvious out of proportion look.

    I too am going to go for the look that just makes me look in proportion, and if that means a 250 then so be it, it’s only numbers at the end of the day, if you end up happy with your final look and have that natural look you want, then it doesn’t matter.

    Megan 57

    I only had 300cc because that was all my surgeon could fit but because I’m almost 5’8 I think they could potentially look quite small on my frame but in comparison to the pancakes I had before I’m going to absolutely adore them! Try not to get too caught up in what everyone else’s boobs look like, I’ve stopped looking at the girls who have had 400cc etc because I know I’ll get boob greed. Your body has been through a lot of trauma and it will take a while for the muscles to relax, give them a few weeks I’m sure you’ll love them xx

    Ruth 116

    Aww Beth it’s horrible stressing yourself and worrying you’ve made the wrong choice, but it’s still early days they’ll change so much over the next few weeks. I think smaller implants are underestimated, I’ve seen results from girls who have had 225/250cc and there boobs look amazing. If you have a small frame then I’m sure 250cc will suit you perfectly once they’ve settled. Wishing you a speedy recovery try not to worry yourself too much. If your happier in yourself once they’ve settled and you get a result you were hoping for that’s the main thing ?

    Beth 1

    Aww you girls are so sweet. What you said really helped me Assymetric and I’ve read it back to myself when I feel sad haha. This is exactly what I needed. And you’re right Megan I need to stop looking at people with bigger boobs than me. They haven’t dropped at all yet (I’m 5 days post-op) and I don’t have a crease under my boob which is stressing me out a bit.. But I will trust the process and hope they drop and fluff nicely. Will post some pictures as times goes on to see if they are getting on ok! Keep me updated with your guys progress too! Xx

    Assymetric 50

    Aww @Beth, it’s such an emotional journey that it’s bound to take its toll and start make yourself question whether you’ve made the right choices.

    But you made the right choice for you. I don’t think these boards, where we can see pictures etc, help when we’re feeling down as we will always compare, I think us small breasted women will always do that regardless because it’s what we’ve always done, but you have done this for you and not for anyone else and especially not for others to project their journeys onto yours. We’re all different, we all want different things from our BA journey and ultimately you will be happy.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Assymetric 50.
    Heidi 217

    Beth, definitely do not worry! I felt the exact same (had 300cc’s but was smaller than you pre op) I didn’t have a crease under my boobs for weeks, once they drop and become soft mine looked a lot bigger, i regretted not getting more at the start but absolutely love them now:) xx

    Kate 7

    Beth I totally feel your pain! I was a B to start with and 6 days ago had 225 and 275. I put a top on yesterday and they looked no different to before. Keep telling myself they will drop and fluff but it’s hard waiting when your in pain. Joys of boobs!!

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