250CC uplift WITH IMPLANTS MR NETRI Started by: Myagirl2021

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  • Myagirl2021 63

    Hello everyone.
    This forum saved my life and I want to upload pictutes to help everyone out!
    I really struggled to find anyone with the same stats as me and it was really hard to find photos of people with smaller implant sizes.
    On 26th of January the amazing Mr Netri done my surgery, if you are struggling to pick a surgeon HES THE BOOB GOD. Every single review ive seen for him is 5/5 stars

    Before my operation I was 32D, my weight had went up and down for years leaving me with not so great boobs. I was really stuck between 250cc/275cc/300cc i didnt want to be top heavy, but i didnt want to be to small either! I ended up finally deciding 250cc and Im so glad i did. I was worried they would be so much smaller than they are! In person they are a tiny bit on the big side i probably could have got away with 225!

    I feel like I picked the perfect size I had an uplift with 250cc implants over the muslce. Im just over 2 weeks post op at the moment, my scars are SOOOO minimal as thats what I was most worried about. Mr Netri, you are amazing.

    Myagirl2021 63


    Myagirl2021 63


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    Bee 42

    Hey girl, your results are perfect! the size is so natural and they look so perky too. Can’t believe how minimal your scars are – you can hardly see them!! I’m having an uplift too, and it’s so nice to see someone post a before and after on the uplift forum as it’s usually quite quiet on here. Seeing yours kinda makes me regret not going with Netri haha. I’m also glad now that I’ve gone for 300cc and no more as I would be happy with 250cc like you. Did you have HP or mod+ projection? hope your recovery is going well, thanks so much for posting xxx

    Myagirl2021 63

    Thanks so much! My scars are healing so well I am so pleasantly surprised, ill add a photo of my scars after 2 weeks, the scars heal so much every day so dont be worried at first! I got High profile, hope your opp goes okay xxx

    Myagirl2021 63

    Operation date 26/01/2021
    This photo of scars was 11/01/2021

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    Myagirl2021 63

    I ment 11/02/2021** on previous photo

    This photo of scarrings from today 18/02/2021

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    Bee 42

    Wow! they are healing so well. It doesn’t even look like you’ve had them done so recently considering they are healing so quickly. I’m amazed. How are you handling the pain – is it manageable? 23 days for me… I can’t wait. Any more pictures please post them, you have the results I would love. Don’t think mine will be as nice as I am getting mod+, not high profile. Dr said my rib cage is too projected for HP xxx

    Myagirl2021 63

    Thank you! Just make sure you eat lots of protein to help them heal thats what ive been doing. I have to admit the first few days weren’t great, if you get car travel sick make sure you ask them to put anti sickness in when your euthanised as it made me really sick. Ive seen lots of amazing photos still from mod im sure they will be amazing! Xx

    Myagirl2021 63

    Heres another compare, the photo was took when my scars were quite scabby still on 11/02

    Bee 42

    Yours weren’t half as bad as mine currently! and my nipples are really big so praying they are made so much smaller during my surgery. Protein is a good shout, I’m making sure to stock up on fruit and veg as well. Thanks for the advice about the anti-sickness medication – I’ve been put to sleep before and was ok afterward but I will be travelling the car with my boyfriend so I may as well ask them!! Love your before and afters! bet you can’t wait for summer now xxx

    Myagirl2021 63

    My surgeon told me they have a tool abit like a ‘cookie cutter’ that goes around your nipple sure your nipples are cut in a perfect circle so I think this would definitely reduce the size! Best of luck my love❤️❤️ Role on summer for both of us!

    Bee 42

    Really? Fingers crossed! Thank you and thanks again for being super helpful and enjoy your perfect results! Bring on summer!!

    Boobs23 1

    Yours scars have healed the best I’ve seen in all the BA/BL research I’ve done!! Please please please share the post-op instructions you were given for cleaning & caring for your incisions and what they did at your follow ups?

    Myagirl2021 63

    Scar update x

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    Myagirl2021 63

    5 weeks 5 day post op pic x

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    Myagirl2021 63

    @boobs23 Thank you so much! In all honestly I was told im not allowed to put ANYTHING on them for at least 6 weeks (which i didnt realise!) incase you infect the healing. All I can advise is LOTS of protein my love and shower with clear water in shower no soaps x

    Bee 42

    Yes, I agree I think they might be the best scars I’ve seen as well!!

    Chelsea 3

    Wow they look amazing!! Who did you surgery please? How did you feel afterwards xx

    Myagirl2021 63

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Mr Netri and was really uncomfortable at first but after a few days everything starts going back to normal xx

    Kaz Wilks 41

    Wow your scars are really healing well hun and your boobs look amazing!! Xx

    Bee 42

    Hope you’re feeling better now!!! My surgery is tomorrow…… ahhh. What day do you think you started to feel back to normal-ish??xxxx

    Myagirl2021 63

    Thanks Kaz! And good luck becks im sure they will look amazing! After 5 days i started to feel like my self again xxx

    Wallis 8

    They look absolutely amazing I cant believe youve only got 250cc in there! What was your size before the op? Im going for 355cc with a lift on the 12th April and I hope mine turn out like yours haha xx

    Myagirl2021 63

    I was really surprised they came out this big i thought 250cc was the safer smaller option😂 i was a 32D before hand so thats probably why. Goodluck with your surgery! X

    Myagirl2021 63

    7 weeks post op tomorrow x

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    Bee 42

    Wowwww they look incredible! Scars are almost invisible?!?! love them. I’m 5 days post-op today and feeling ok just still a bit sickish with the medication and tight but recovery is nowhere near as bad as I expected! xxx

    Myagirl2021 63

    Scar update, the diagonal red mark is from my sports bra that is not the scar

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    Bee 42

    They have healed so well! are you putting anything on them like bio oil? because they look incredible x

    KatW 4

    Hi ladies! How did you find cleaning your upper body post op? Did you remove the bra to clean your armpits etc or leave it on?

    Bee 42

    The first few days, I’d say up until day 6 or 7 I kept the bra on and just used antibacterial wipes (I still felt dirty after using baby wipes!) so definitely recommend those. Then I started using a damp sponge and some soap. I am 10DPO now and using roll-on… taking the bra off still to wipe in between my boops and the sides. Still not showered full body yet. I feel gross! Hoping to get the go-ahead to shower/bath next Monday after my second post op 🙂

    KatW 4

    Ah fab! I spoke to a nurse from MYA yesterday and she said it’s ok to remove the bra to change it/wash your armpits etc which is what I did last night. I feel 10x better after just being able to wash around the area and feel clean!

    Hope your healing is going well. Xx

    Bee 42

    Just laughed at the spellcheck to ‘boops’ ha. It’s so much easier and nicer to remove the bra to wash. I can’t wait to finally immerse fully in water! it will be amazing to feel 100% clean and fresh again. I am early stages in the healing process so not totally satisfied with how mine look at the moment but placing trust in the process and hoping things improve as a lot of change is yet to happen, fingers crossed.

    Hope you are healing well too 🙂 xx

    KatW 4

    100% trust the process 👏🏼

    I’m on day 5 and loving them already. Bruising is fully taking over but they’re starting to really settle. Can’t wait for 6 weeks time!

    Linds -2

    Thank you MYAGIRL2021 for the confidence to post your photos, my breasts are the same as yours were and would like them to be just as yours are now. 2 kids and weight loss takes its toll. You look amazing. The scaring was my main concern but there’s barely anything there!
    Would you recommend the clinic, Dr, after care etc?

    Jessica 4

    They look great! Is there a 1 year update coming ☺️

    Bee 42

    Yeah a 1 year update would be fab!!


    Can anyone let me know what they paid or were quoted for uplift and implants please? Thank you xxx

    Katie 2

    £8200 x

    Myagirl2021 63

    Hi girls its really hard to upload pictutes to here they need compressing which ruins the quality.

    My insta is jasmineskinner and I couldnt recommend mr netri anymore hes amazing. My uplift scares are basically non existant. Wishing you all the best of luck in your journey. 🙏🏼

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    Myagirl2021 63

    I have loads of pictures on my instagram in much better quality feel free to use my pictures as reference ! Xx💖

    Bee 42

    Woah they actually look insane!! You’re glowing girl xx


    Hey @myagirl2021 – they look amazing you must be so happy! I had implants 4 years ago but have since had 2 children and my boobs have drooped so much so i’m now in the process of planning a re-aug with uplift and nipple reshapement/re-placement but i’m so worried about the scarring. Seen on your earlier photo’s that your scarring was very prominant but you said they were healing well. Just wanted to know that now your 2-3 years on, how well has the scarring healed? Especially the nipple scarring and the scar through the middle bottom>nip? Do you have any photo’s?

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