255/300cc Started by: Ayley

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  • Ayley

    I’ve recently just had my consultation with my chosen surgeon, he had recommended a MR 255cc in one breast and HR 300cc in the other. I want a subtle change and still want to be small, I have looked online at other pictures and really worried that these sizes will be too big. Would anybody be happy to share there photographs of similar sizes?


    Hey, I’m having 255cc did yours come out ok?


    I had 275cc moderate profile 3 weeks post op. Im glad I went with this size, I was initially going to go for 250cc but last minute went bigger as my surgeon told me most people wish they went bigger once the swelling goes down!


    I had 275cc moderate profile and this is me 3 weeks post op. Im glad I went with this size, I was initially going to go for 250cc but last minute went bigger as my surgeon told me most people wish they went bigger once the swelling goes down!

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