275cc 285cc or 315cc which would you choose? Started by: Lis212

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  • Lis212 17

    Hi, these are my choices and really swaying between them as online results so different. I would say I’m a full b cup at the moment. Want to be a full D. 5ft 5 and 9.5 stone. Wondering if anyone had a similar CC range to chose from? Which did you choose and was it the right choice as many seem to say too small? Thsnk you xx

    Georgia 3

    Honestly I would go for the biggest offered. I was similar size and got 355c unders and totally regret not getting bigger – like every day I look in the mirror I feel gutted they aren’t bigger

    Lis212 17

    Thank you. I have though 315 but my husband worried they will be huge! Hardest part deciding!

    Kay 48

    Hey they seems pretty small for your stats. I’m 5ft 2 and 8st 9 and been offered 355 or 375 x

    Lis212 17

    Hi, what size are you currently now? Wonder if it’s to do with before size

    Kara 7

    I had 295 and 320 but started with nothing. I think maybe you’ve been offered implants on the smallish side because you already have a good starting point? If you’re wanting to achieve a D then going much bigger than what you’ve been offered will probably take you to at least an E xx

    Sara 15

    Everyone says get the biggest offered, I’m the same as you except a bit taller, I got 345 and at first thought oh no too big, now I think they be just right, I should come out at a d. Think it also depends if under or over too as under makes them appear smaller x I know it’s so confusing as everyone gets different results! Just go with your gut x (and the biggest size they offer as they know what will fit your body :0)

    Rebekah 174

    Defiantly get the biggest I’m 5’1 and 7stone7 and I have 365cc and wish I got bigger xx

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