275cc & 300cc HP … Hellpppppp!! Started by: Fran

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  • Fran

    Hi girls,
    I’ve just been for my consultation with MR Traynor and he has said the most he would put in my right boob would be 275cc ( because it’s bigger than my left one) and 300cc in my left I’m just really worried they are not going to be big enough.
    I’m currently a 36 C and I was hoping to achieve a full DD/ E but he advised me I would achieve a full D cup. I really don’t know what to do now 🙁

    Any advise would be much appreciated xx


    Hi Hun- all the advise I had was to always go bigger!! I would say aural to a couple of other surgeons to get another professional opinion. & stick with your gut feeling!! My surgeon wouldn’t go any bigger than 375cc & I absolutely think the size is perfect 1 week post opp. They do no best! Trust their advise 😀 xx


    Hi Hun- all the advise I had was to always go bigger!! I would say aural to a couple of other surgeons to get another professional opinion. & stick with your gut feeling!! My surgeon wouldn’t go any bigger than 375cc & I absolutely think the size is perfect 1 week post opp. They do no best! Trust their advise 😀 xx

    Micha ❤️ 64

    Ask to see Mr Singh he’s the big boob God 😉 he’s amazing xxx

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