275cc high profile Started by: Ashlea

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  • Ashlea 9

    I had my surgery two weeks ago with George Samouris. Couldn’t be happier so far but obviously have a lot of healing still to do. Wanted to share for people with similar stats.

    Started – 32b 5’6 size 8-10. Have had a baby.
    Implants – 275cc high profile smooth dual plane

    I was offered up to 300cc but was so worried about being too big. No regrets about choosing slightly smaller. I would say that I don’t look much different in clothes as I always wore a padded bra but that wasn’t really a concern for me. I wanted more confidence in swimwear and without clothes so this is perfect.


    Hi Ashlea, I had high profile 275cc over the muscle and am so pleased! I was originally a deflated 36b and am now a 36D. I could have had 300cc but went for the slightly smaller ones. I’m really pleased with my results! I only wish I had done it years ago!

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