275cc under muscle too small?? Started by: Kelsey

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  • Kelsey 12


    Was just wondering if anyone could help me..

    I’m 5ft 2 petite, size 6-8 top half and around 8 stone I wear size 32 B but barely have anything there (I see photos of girls that are 32aa and look bigger than me so guess it’s just different brands) but basically there isn’t much there at all and don’t have much to grab- if I grab the boob itself it’s about the size of a 50 pence piece haha the rest is just fat tissue and skin if that makes sense!

    My surgeon I went to see (the only surgeon I’ve been to) has said I have a very petite frame and measurement wise not much between my nipple and neck or something and the bone gap between my boobs Is quite wide so the biggest I could go would be 275cc under the muscle. After trying in the implant in the bra at the consultation I thought it felt quite big but not really as big as I had in mind after researching boobs on the internet for what seems like a lifetime and looking back it wasn’t that big at all and after going on the internet afterward and seeing almost everyone saying anything under 300 is quite small has me really worried! I appreciate the surgeons suggestion and obviously he is going to know the best for me as he’s measured me up but has anyone been in the same situation as me or has anyone got 275cc starting with a similar boob size to me, if so pretty please let me know if they’re quite small/ are you happy with them. Pictures would really be appreciated!! As I can’t seem to find before or after pictures of boobs similar to mine beforehand

    It’s so hard because I feel like a lot of people’s 275cc on the internet look completely different to another 275cc 😩😩

    Thanks so much!!

    Pink chick 32

    Hi Kelsey, I am 5 foot and 7.5 stone. I was wearing a very padded 32b before surgery. I had 250cc round (moderate plus profile) unders 1 week ago and I am extremely happy so far with the size. I guess it depends what ur looking to achieve. They can only fit an implant that is the width of your existing breast and if you want to be bigger, they have to go out the way so you are fitting in more volume by going for a higher profile. Don’t under estimate a small implant if you have a small frame.

    Kelsey 12

    Thanks for your reply!

    Ahhhh I get it now so the profile is one of the most important thing to consider? I’ve been completely over looking that! I can’t even remember what profile my surgeon suggested but moderate rings a bell, I might book another consult to discuss profiles! I think that could be another reason why there’s so many different results from 275cc on people I didn’t even realise the profile was such a huge consideration!

    Kelsey 12

    A lot of people’s 275cc on the internet is high profile so I might ask the surgeon to try that on me, does anyone know if the higher the profile the more they drop??

    Kelsey 12

    A lot of people’s 275cc on the internet is high profile so I might ask the surgeon to try that on me, does anyone know if the higher the profile the more they drop?? I’d prefer them to look dropped a bit rather than just stuck on so would the higher profile help with this? So much to think about😩🤣

    Gita 27

    Hi Kelsey, I’m exactly the same stats as you with only two tiny differences. I’m 5ft instead of 5’2 and I’m 32A – not tissue at all(flat) but sagging..skin I guess after breastfeeding. Anyway.
    I just ordered 285cc Demi(Moderate plus) profile. The doctor suggested 265-285 after I said I want natural look, and he insisted on the profile he chose for me(as I indeed dont want much of big projection). I had 2nd consultation with him and said that I can go up to 300cc as well, same profile, but I’m 11 & 11.5 bwd, so sounds logical.
    Anyway, point is bwd is important and profile and the combination of the two.. your doctor knows that.

    I’m going for 285cc as I don’t want to change profile and therefore don’t want to stretch out my breast diameter to limits. 300 also felt quite big on me when tried it on, but well going under the muscle so will lose some volume there.

    I hope this helps you.

    Gita 27

    The profile change the implant by a lot. Not all frames of women are ideal for any profile they ‘would like’. My surgeon suggested moderate plus for a reason.
    The higher the profile the higher the projection. 275cc Ultra Hiigh Prof. will look completely different than 275cc moderate or low profile. So is a combination of cc and profile.
    The higher the projection the more they will pop outwards(towards out/front), while the lower the profile, they lose projection but they fill diameter. (and there is a limit in your bwd diameter measurements).

    Pink chick 32

    Mine were 250 demi which is mod plus profile and if I had gone to 275 they would have been high profile but they would have been narrower in width which I didn’t want as I didn’t want the gap to be bigger if you get what I mean. Something else to think about 🤣

    Gita 27

    Pink Chick is right. The same reason I don’t want to go high profile, I’d like to close the gap not make it wider for literally an extra 1cm of projection, not worth it. I like wider boob looks for the benefit of cleavage, side-boob and lookin great from the from(at least naked), I didn’t want to trade all that for better projection when looking from the side.

    Kelsey 12

    Hi girls! Thanks so much for your help and advice!! I didn’t realise any of this at all, probably a stupid question but just to clarify- would the higher profile not create more of a natural boob as it’s making them come off the chest more and therefore drop a bit more? I don’t really like the look of boobs that look perfect and just stuck on I wanted more of a full, drop look so I don’t know I don’t really understand ☹️😞 so would be higher the projection make the better side boob etc?xx

    Kelsey 12

    Also, does anyone know if for example 275cc moderate profile would be bigger width ways compared to 275cc high profile or is it that 275cc high profile is the same width as mod profile but taller?
    Does it work like that?

    Kelsey 12

    Therefore with the profiles is it just reshaping the cc but still has the same amount of jelly🤣🤣🤣 trying to wrap my brain around it

    Poppy 15

    Kelsey do you know the type of implants you’re getting? Cause I know which I’m having I was able to look up a chart for them which helped me understand it all.
    I’m getting the implants which match someone of 11.8cm, so I could either go 255 moderate or 315 high.
    At first I was worried because I wanted to be about 300 and felt 315 was too big but now I understand the whole 11.8 thing I am happy to go for the larger cc high profile implant

    Kelsey 12

    No not really! He didn’t really explain any of it in the consult just told me the most he’d be willing to put in (275cc) Silicone implants And I think he may of said moderate profile but can’t really remember so could of been high. He was saying how petite I was and when trying the 275cc he said if I went any bigger they would stick out too much? The implant he gave me the 275cc was quite flat looking so presuming it was moderate. When you say 11.8 cm what is that measuring? I thought I was getting a grip of it all but I keep hearing new things feel like I know nothing🤣😅😭

    Poppy 15

    11.8 is my breast width diameter. Its worth knowing what implants you’re getting because you can look up things like the projection height and compare them to others.
    Maybe phone up and ask?

    Elizabeth 33

    Regardless of what make your getting this is a good example of profiles. All 275 implants so all have the same amount of gel but in a different shaped casing.
    From my research lower profile give a more natural look. Some higher profiles (on some people and depending on their size/build) can give a more round look and almost looks like they are in a push up bra.
    It really depends on your measurements and the look you want. The surgeon is who should pick the profile that fits and achieves the right look not you.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Elizabeth 33.
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    Hi kelsey, I’m very similar stats to yourself and just had my consultation with my surgeon and has recommended 275cc I’m no my sure if that’s the biggest I could go but I’d image it is without me asking for a bigger size. I’m really in debate if I should go ahead with this size, he also said I should go for high profile which I’m happy about. But after looking at pictures of people of similar size to me, I’m now thinking 300cc! Have you had your surgery yet? And can I ask what you decided to go with?
    Thank you


    My surgeon said the maximum he could fit was 275cc in moderate + projection. (I wanted a natural result so this was my projection of preference). I wish he could’ve fit/ suggested 25-50cc more in moderate +.

    My stats are 168cm, 55kg, size 10 U.K. also due to the wider gap in my chest mod+ Was my projection of choice as the base is wider than high profile and covers more area.

    AbigailMS 39

    Hi gal, I got 250cc under muscle, I’m 5’0 and weigh 8.5 stone and also was 32b before. I’m 6WPO And this is what they look like now. I probs could have went bigger because in clothes you cant really tell I’ve had them done!

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    SunnyJones 13

    I went from a 28AA/A to a 28DD/E with 255cc’s under the muscle teardrop shape. But they look like a full C/D it’s just becuase my back size is so diddy! Please do not underestimate small implants!


    What profile abigailms?


    I am reducing to 200s hopefully from 360 with a lift as they are too big for me after 12 years. I’m worried as surgeon said 200-250 and I really don’t think 250 is much less than what I already have.

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