Hey girls! So i recently got measured and sized up for my op. I found i was a 27/28 B, and the implant size they could use was 280CC or a little bigger. Im my head this seems small, and i don’t want to have it done and then realise i don’t like the size, or wished i had gone bigger.
He says the end result is about a 28E – any before and after pics similar to this would be so helpful. I find a lot of people have got 300CC plus, and its the only thing that is really bothering me.
Also, he says he will see if the slightly bigger implant will fit, but it all depends on my size now and what will go in. I don’t want something too big for my frame, but any experiences like this and pics will help me so much.
(I’m size 8 – 5ft5)
Thank You !