2days until surgery…. Started by: Carmen

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  • Carmen 4

    Hi ladies I’m having an uplift with 325cc moderate plus mentor implants and my surgeon is Mr.Giannas I’m now super nervous can anyone please give me some help with useful things to pack other than toiletries and clothes…. and any helpful tips for post surgery. Thank you so much ?

    Kylie 29

    Hi Carmen, are you in Preston on 23rd? My surgeon is also Mr Giannas on 23rd, I’m having 325cc unders. Have you had you admission time yet? I’m really nervous too but everyone is saying the hospital is lovely and Mr Giannas is one of the best, think we will be in safe hands 🙂
    Following this post, I could do with tips too x

    J 36

    Hi Ladies,

    Not long now, so exciting! The most useful item for me was my travel pillow, I was staying overnight and pretty much slept all the time from coming out the surgery to my discharge time. The pillow made it possible to sleep without any pains and I still use it at home (I had my surgery on 18th) Honestly havent used anything else apart from baby wipes, lip balm and my travel pillow. I know some girls take books/magazines to pass the time but my boyfriend was with me so I was just chatting to him while waiting.
    Also, if you travelling back by car, then would advice to take a pillow to put in between your new boobs and seatbelt 🙂

    Good luck!

    Kylie 29

    Thank you Jelizaveta, I hope you have a speedy recovery xx

    Carmen 4

    Hi ladies thank you so much for the replies! I will be getting a travel pillow just before I leave in the morning. No I’m not having surgery with mya but my surgeon works for mya also. My surgery is 22nd so tomorrow, my post went up today even though I posted yesterday (weird) I’m getting so so so nervous now I’m just more anxious about post-op and the pain I will be in! I’m such a baby. Good luck to everyone!

    Ruth 116

    Good luck tomorrow Carmen, natural to feel nervous before surgery but honestly once it’s done you’ll wonder what the nerves were all about. The day will fly by and you’ll soon have new boobs. Be sure to tell the staff at the hospital of any concerns you have, brilliant at providing reassurance and calming down those nerves xx

    Sarah 45

    Good luck carmen and kylie xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Sarah 45.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Sarah 45.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Sarah 45.
    Kylie 29

    Good Luck Carmen, hope all goes well for you today xx

    Thank you Sarah xx

    Monica 122

    Good luck today Carmen! Let us know how you’re feeling and keep us updated xx

    Carmen 4

    Thank you ladies I’m here! Arrived at 12:30 I have been drawn on and due to go to theatre at around 2:30/3! I’m so nervous. I’ll update this evening! X

    Carmen 4

    So have come out of surgery and I feel amazing!! Not one bit of pain! Iv slept a lot I ended up going to theatre at 3:15. They don’t seem very big though I’m worried that they aren’t big enough but then I didn’t go for size I went for fullness and to give me a natural look!

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Carmen 4. Reason: Photo size
    Carmen 4

    It won’t let me upload ?

    Monica 122

    Don’t worry Carmen. When I looked down at mine, the first thought was – omg they are small! But they’ve changed so much since then and even thought the swelling is going down, they’re getting rounder and fuller ☺️ give yourself and them a time.
    Glad to hear you’re not in pain and doing well ☺️

    Your pic is probably too big. Try Snapchat or an app to make it smaller xx

    Ruth 116

    Hope all went well with op, lovely to wake and be pain free. This forum is so frustrating when it won’t uploads photo’s, looking forward to seeing some if you manage to upload any at some point ? they’ll change so much over next few weeks, I’m 3wpo tomorrow mine have changed so much in that time. Get plenty of rest wishing you a speedy recovery xx

    Carmen 4

    Feeling super bruised and tender today movinga round is starting to get a little difficult x

    Ruth 116

    I found day 2 and 3 the worst really stiff and achy. I hope you’ll start feeling better as the days go on. Have you managed to have a peep at your new boobs yet? xx

    Carmen 4

    I’ll try and upload again

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Carmen 4.

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