2dpo Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 36

    Hey girls, just thought I’d give a quick update, so far has been ok, I was expecting to be in so much pain and I literally feel really good. I slept well last night, I felt very stiff this morning but now I’m ok, I wouldn’t say I’ve had a great deal of pain it’s more of a discomfort. Just achey and stiff. I’m very happy with my new boobs so far I can’t thank Mr Traynor enough, he’s done an amazing job. They do look like stuck on cones at the moment but even so I just love having boobs. My nipples look very stretched, I always had one bigger than the other but now my boobs are bigger it doesn’t actually bother me anymore, I will attach some photos 🙂 I’m happy to answer any questions so feel free to contact me xx

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    emma 40

    Hey Amy they’re looking great already I bet you’re so pleased! I can’t see mine properly yet cs they’re quite strapped up. Did you have unders or overs? How were you feeling yesterday? I’m 1 dpo and in so much pain atm even with all the Meds xxxxx

    Amy 36

    Aww Hun, I really hope you start feeling better. I think day 2 and 3 could be the worse then it’ll start getting better again each day 🙂 it’ll al be worth it in the long run. Thankyou, I am really pleased, i feel like giving mr traynor a big hug but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t appreciate that haha! I had unders 🙂 hope things start getting better for you xxxxx

    Amy 36

    sorry, yesterday I felt so tired I slept quite abit! The pain wasn’t so bad though, just achey xxxxx

    Lisa Louise 79

    They look amazing Hun you’re making me really excited x

    Vicky*★. 231

    Awwww how lovely glad to see how happy you are! They look AMAAAAZEE!!!! No wonder u are so happy! am in with mr traynor in 27 days (I have a countdown on my phone I am THAT excited!!!) I’m having 350cc unders. Can I ask what cc you had? Also if you don’t mind me asking what are you taking for the Pain etc? Xxxxxx

    Amy 36

    Thankyou girls 🙂 aww it’ll be here before you know it. It literally flew for me once I had it booked I couldn’t believe it. Even on the day I still felt like it wasn’t all real, it’s so strange to explain. It was a long day but when I look back now it also feels like it all happened so quickly. I’ve just been taking paracetamol and ibruprofen. I’ve found they’ve worked fine for me 🙂 I had 400cc in my left boob and 325 in my right, I had bad asymmetry. They had ordered 325cc/350cc/375cc for the day, and he went with the 325 and they are high profile. Good luck I hope your day goes as well as it can do for you, it’ll be here before you know it xxxxxx

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