2dpo and attempted to have a shallow bath! Started by: Annie

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  • Annie 17

    Hiya girls, I had surgery 2 days ago and attempted to have a shallow bath tonight with help from the other half! Does anybody have any tips on hair washing and washing without getting your boobs wet? As it seemed pretty impossible! Xx

    Teresa 52

    I had a shallow bath yesterday 3dpo. I haven’t attempted washing my hair yet and it’s driving me mad x

    Annie 17

    Me too!! I’m always washing my hair so not being able to wash it is driving me up the wall! How are you finding the pain? Xx

    Louise 12

    Get someone to wash it for you with your head back as far as it can go girls, but before hand I rolled a large bath towel up then wrapped it around me under the boobs so they were covered, while they are there a lovely wipe over the back, neck and shoulders is the dream lol happy healing xx

    Annie 17

    @pinkylous I’m thinking of maybe just booking into my hairdressers and getting it washed and having a curly blow dry! I can only imagine what it’s going to look like after the other half has attempted to dry it all for me! Deffo seems the better option haha xx

    Louise 12

    That is a great idea luckily enough my hairdresser come did my hair otherwise I too would of looked like I’d electrocuted myself, lol be lovely for a little pamper too xx

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