2nd day post op sickness :( Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 1

    I’m 2nd day post op and all day today ive felt so sick and lightheaded. I’ve just been sick 3 times now im in agony with my boobs as all the heaving has moved them. Is this normal? I’m pancking incase ive damaged something. Also any tips to stop the sickess would be great. I swapped my cocodamol to just paracetamol earlier on today xx

    Danielle 1

    Also to add not managing to keep food down had a yogurt and some crisps earlier on but its all come back up. Feeling so ill 🙁


    Hi Danielle, sorry to hear you’re unwell. I went through this from day 2-5 (last week) my hubby went to the pharmacy and they recommended Pepto Bismal. It stopped me being sick immediately and after I stopped the cocodamal i felt much better. Also my nurse suggested a laxative as she said the combination of meds and anesetic can really bung you up. Hope you feel better soon x

    Hannah H 31

    Ahh not nice at all 🙁 I’m one day P.O and found I’ve felt quite sick as well but eating and drinking lots of water has helped to get rid of the sick feeling. Must be horrible not being able to keep anything down though poor you! 🙁 xxx

    Danielle 1

    I feel awful and so drained. Hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Had a bad recovery from the anesthetic anyway and now this too 🙁 I need to have food in my system to take my tablets but soon as I eat I feel sick it’s a vicious cycle! I’ve just taken some kalms sleeping tablets so hopefully ill be able to get a decent nights sleep and feel better tomorrow! X

    Hannah H 31

    Oh no poor you 🙁 hope you feel better soon Hun…is there nothing you can get from the pharmacy for anti-sickness like Kirsty has mentioned? Xxx


    Honestly it gets better 🙂 from day 3 I’ve only taken either paracetamol or ibuprofen first thing in the morning and I’ve coped well with the pain. After week one I almost have no pain, they just feel a bit numb.

    Sally B 3

    It’ll get easier I promise. The first few days are so hard, you don’t actually realise the recovery is a lot harder than you thought It would be. The cocodamol are awful I had to stop them and just take ibuprofen or if I was really bad I’d have one cocodamol at night but they do make you really sick.
    have some toast and a banana and sleep as much as poss. Tomorrow will be easier xxx


    Hi Hun I was the same as you ! Every time I was sick I could feel my incisions pulling!! I spoke to the nurse and she said to stop taking the anti biotics as thsts what was making me sick! As soon as I stopped them I was fine xxxxxx


    Really stupid question probably… Having op Friday, what are the chances I’ll feel up to going to watch a rugby game with the husband on Saturday??

    Karolina 42

    Hope you feel better soon @Danielle 🙁


    Hi Hun! I was exactly the same as you.. I felt awful for the 1st 3 days because of the Cocodamol then I changed them for Paracetamol and slowly started to feel better and the sickness stopped too. I’m 9 days post op now and feel so much better. I would say days 2,3 & 4 were a struggle but honestly it does get better xxx


    I had to come off cocodamol and penicillin cause I felt like this up till yesterday! Also needed a laxative which I think helped after everything got going again! Grim I know but it ain’t an easy thing and best to be open or who would know! X


    I feel your pain. I had my BA on Tuesday & that night & yesterday I was sick as a dog! Every time I stood up I threw up & couldn’t keep food down. Today though I havnt felt or been sick & my appetite is returning. I’m carrying on with the co-codamol though as I’m still in quite a lot of pain on them….so I’m scared how much it would hurt if I wasn’t taking them! Hope you start to feel better soon xx

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