2wks post op. One boob looking bigger than the other! Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 15

    Hi. I had my op on 23rd Nov. 275cc Hp round partials. Up until 2 weeks post op they were the same size now one looks a lot bigger and also sits lower than the other. I’ve heard about drop and fluff but not sure if it’s that or not. Is this normal? Help lol. Attached a pic. One 2 days post op the other 17 days post op. Thanks x

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    Lydia 85

    It’s most likely swelling. I’m 10wpo and my right boob is still slightly bigger than the left. Apparently the boob on your dominant side, i.e. right or left handed, is usually the more swollen one xx

    Alice 11

    I’m 4 weeks post op from having 450cc unders and when I last looked in the mirror last week mine look the exact same, one bigger then the other and slightly lower but for the first couple of weeks they were exactly the same. I havnt actually looked at mine since lol I’ve been too scared kinda hoping nature sorts it’s self out but yes I think you’re right in what you say drop and fluff. X


    Who did your surgery Emma? Are u going to ask why this has happened?

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun it’s normal for them to be different sizes at this stage altho looking at your boob now it’s more than doubled in size I would maybe speak to the nurse to be on the safe side Hun xxx

    Emma 15

    Thanks for all your replies. I’ll see what they’re like in a week or 2 then maybe get in touch if not much has changed. Travelled 3 and a half hours away but not got another consultation until April as surgeon will be in my area then. I got them done in Scotland. Not a mya patient xx

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