2WPO and sleeping? Started by: Hannah

  • Author
  • Hannah 5

    My nurse told me today at my check up I can sleep on my side…pretty sure it’s meant to be on your back until 6 weeks? X

    Jen 107

    Hi Hannah! I had my 6 week appt on Wednesday and got given the all clear to sleep however I want now but that’s because she was happy with how everything’s healed so perhaps she’s just happy enough with your recovery/swelling/healing to let you sleep however you like? I’ve read loads of different stories on here, some people sleeping however they like from day one, some upright for 2/4/6 weeks, it’s all very confusing but I’d get yourself curled up tonight if you’ve been given the go ahead because that sleeping upright malarkey is bloody awful! Haha! 🙂 xxx

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