3 days POST OP… plus questions!!? Started by: CRx

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  • CRx -1

    Sooo…. i’m only 3 days post op but struggling getting a bra (or maybe it’s in my head) I was a 32B and had 525 overs with Traynor..
    Day of surgery, Macom didn’t fit neither the small or medium both to small in the cup, hurting my boobs – digging in at the top and sides of my boobs and making them bulge over the top of the bra…it did give me a good cleavage though haha. Asda 32E too small. M&S 34F zip up front sports bra fitted better, but spoke with nurse at one day post op and didn’t seem like it was supporting enough as the straps aren’t adjustable so too loose on shoulders so went Debenhams and other stores at one day post op and nowhere stocked my size or did instore so went home with nothing!
    Yesterday, at 2 days post op I went m&s yesterday and measured a 34G in a different high impact sports bra, which i’ve ordered but won’t come till Tuesday (even though she said it would be here today!!)
    So went out again today and been measured in an independent shop in a Freya active bra at 34FF, she wanted to put me in a 36 though which i think personally is to big as i’ve always been a 32, maybe it’s cause of swelling but didn’t think i would go up two back sizes!?
    Just doing my head in a bit as don’t feel like my new babies are getting enough support, I have had the Freya one of for a few hours but feels like it’s too tight in the middle?! Really want to get a shock absorber but not don’t know what size to order… it’s all so very new to me so think i’m worrying too much & annoying that each store is so different!! Can’t wait for my one week check up on Tuesday to confirm which bra is OK and if my boobies are doing good!! I’ve added some more pictures if you wanna have a look..
    APART from this I’ve had an amazing recovery up to now I am out and about feeling good, only got really itchy and tickly boobs/incisions, they’ve even started to become a bit more squidgy and not as hard/swollen!. I didn’t sleep at all the first night cause of back and rib ache that felt like contractions/labour! Soo since, i’ve slept at a 45 degree angle rather than 90 degree and I have slept all the way through since with no pain and woke up feeling really fresh apart from a really bloated stomach!! I am 100% happy with having BA, it’s already changed my life so MUCH! I love them and cannot fault Mya, Traynor and Preston Hosp! Only other problem is i used to wear a lot of baggy tops that now make me look like a sack of spuds hehe, andd with a bloated belly atm it’s not a good look haha…defffo going to have to invest into more fitted outfits! …
    Has anyone else had the same problems with bras, do you think it may just be me worrying or can you actually have this many problems with finding a bra?Also I’m guessing I leave the tape over my incisions until my one week check up where the nurse will remove them and also what will happen at one week check up?? Also, can I leave my bra of for five mins to get air to them/have a breather? Also do they get bigger or smaller? (God, i’m such a worrier haha). Thanks in advance for any replies.. Hope everyone is healing nicely and doing well! xx

    CRx -1

    Can anyone give light on questions I have .. Thanks x


    I am 1 day post op had 550s over and I can’t find one that fits or is comfortable too 🙁 your not alone Hun x

    CRx -1

    Bloody well annoying isn’t it !! I’m just gonna stick with m&s ones and see what nurse says on Tuesday at check up !! Xx


    I had 445 and I think my only sports bra that fits nice is my m and a one. I brought a 34dd shock absorber and wore it all day to work and it was digging in my boobs so won’t be wearing that again..don’t think I’m still swollen so I must be an e which is. Y m and s one. I got the medium macom but don’t feel as if they fit properly. It is annoying. I’ll be 4 weeks post op on Monday can’t wait for my 6 week check so hopefully I’ll be able to wear bras again. At least ur recovery is going well. I couldn’t get out of bed for a week!!! Let alone go shopping for bras

    CRx -1

    awe yea i remember seeing your post Jami!! I know I have been v.lucky on the recovery front! I think it is just cause it is all so new so don’t know what it’s actually supposed to be like so now i’m swapping between the Freya which is tight but not painful to the M&s one which is loose. Hopefully my new ones on Tuesday will be better! & yes i bet you can’t wait, think it is just a big waiting game… will deffo deffo be worth it though ehy x


    Order a fee shock absorbers off amazon maybe? At least you can return them for free! Xx

    CRx -1

    I might end up doing at this rate Rachael, gonna wait till i’ve seen the nurse tuesday and see what she says xx

    CRx -1

    Hey, no problem I will accept in a second 😀 love to see how others have come out!! and the Asda one i had is too small, and the black/pink zip up one they don’t have in stock.. is the other plain black £8 one supportive then? x

    CRx -1

    @clairecw2003aol-com can you request again cause for some reason it’s not coming up and then when i go on yours it’s not letting me request you “/ x


    Yeh it does feel supportive and the most comfortable. I go back to work tomorrow and need to get some bras that look more bra like but also give bit of support. Think they have some in marks. I did attempt to put pics up but they all come out upside down lol. Will try and sort! X

    CRx -1

    Yea hun i’m waiting on a 2 pack from m&s that look a lot more like bras, this Freya one i am wearing also look more like a bra but gives me very pointy boobs haha 😛 i will have another look at the asda one then thanks 😀 and hehe ye i think a few of mine did that! xx

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