3 days Post op Swelling 350 unders Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah

    Hi ladies!

    So I’m now 3dpo and oh my god the swelling is insane. I honestly think I’m going to burst! I’ve had to keep loosening my bra to apply ice to ease the pain. Has anyone else had problems like this… unsure is we’re allowed to take Ibuprofen as I wasn’t prescribed it.

    So far I haven’t had much other pain and I’m able to lift my arms up and move around well enough without it being a huge problem.

    Any tips please 🙂

    Hannah 38

    I’m 5days po and days 2&3 were the absolute worst for me.

    I find my boobs are more sore and swollen in the morning.

    I’ve found ice packs and drinking a tonne of water has helped.

    I look at them everyday and they get better and better.

    I loosen my bra too, underneath because my bloat causes the bra to dig into my stitches, which burns !

    You shouldn’t take ibruprophen in the first week until you see your nurse because it can thin your blood xxx

    Laura 143

    I was given ibuporfen 200mg an paracetamol to come home with so not sure why some say you cant have it. I didnt have much pain but like you it was the swelling that was my problem it all just felt so tight like i was going to burst an couldnt breath properly so i took the ibuprofen an i think it did help because i only used ice packs on day 1 an 2 never had to use it after that because although i was still swollen it didnt feel half as bad as it had done xx

    Georgia 3

    I was sent home with 500mg ibuprofen and had 3 a day. I’m on day 6 and today is a better day pain wise although I have awful headache x


    The morning this the absolute worst for me! So stiff and have to throw myself out of bed. Does anyone know how long it takes for the swelling to at least go down a little… my boobs are literally under my chin ????

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