3 days til my surgery, starting to get a bit nervous now :D Started by: Kamila

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  • Kamila 14

    I am starting to get a bit nervous now. Can’t believe surgery is this Friday!
    I have nervous butterflies in my stomach and feel a bit faint thinking of it…
    Did you guys experience that too?
    Do they give you any calming stuff on the day so you don’t freak out?
    I know w3e are not allowed to take anything before the surgery but what about some herbal kalms to keep nerves down? Would that interfere with surgery? I know I cant drink alcohol so that option is out of the window xD


    My op is Friday too Hun!

    I keep getting a little nervous when I think about it too!

    Which clinic are you at?



    Mine is on Tuesday! I’m the same really nervous but will be worth it in the end!! When did you guys get your admission times?? I still haven’t got mine x

    Kamila 14

    @mollyw92 I am at Preston First Trust with Dr. Mounir having 535cc uhp overs, what are you having? Have you had your check in time yet? I didn’t receive mine yet but I know few Fitzroy girls from Friday already have theirs

    @cher1234 I still don’t have mine, they usually come 24/48 hours before but some ppl have their earlier sometimes,.


    That is really cutting it fine only letting you know 24 hours prior is it not?? What if your post is lost or late?

    Rose 4

    I feel the exact same Mine is on Saturday at Fitzroy! I’m sooo nervous I feel like I’m constantly thinking if it’s the right thing or not….which of course I know it is!
    I feel like Iv been so excited now this week that’s it’s close I’ve realised it’s actually happening lol! Xx


    I’m going to natural look clinic at Doncaster Hun. Having 400cc Unders. I haven’t had my time yet either I asked to be first on the list and they said I will get a phone call Wednesday or
    Thursday so fingers crossed tomorrow!

    Rose I feel the exact same! I’ve been excited but now it’s like 3 days away I keep thinking should I be doing this or not!




    Hi Kamila

    I was exactly the same! I was so excited up until a few days before my op then I went through all sorts of mixed emotions. It’s such a rollercoaster. I was at The Preston First Trust too and I can assure you, you have absolutely nothing you worry about! The staff there are absolutely amazing and make you feel so calm and at ease. They were all fantastic!

    Once you get there and get put into your gown excitement kicks in again and you just can’t wait to go to sleep and wake up with boobies 😀 Good luck xxx

    Kamila 14

    @cher1234 I think they text you or email you like for confirmation of all other appointments so they don’t send it via post

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