3 Months old tomorrow! Started by: Lauren Jessica

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    Well girls, i just wanted to post to say that i really hope things go as well for you ladies as mine has. My boobs seem to have evened out loads in the last week and i get to see Mr Traynor tomorrow for my post op check up – cant wait to see my before and after photos!

    Ill be keeping in touch and just wanted to say thanks to all the lovely people who supported me ( @rinx and @beckyhax especially)

    This forum is a godsend – just remember not everything you hear is true and girls who are doubting/deciding on MYA, go for it – Manchester MYA and Mr Traynor have been incredible and i couldnt be happier!! xxx

    (New Pics are up!)

    sarah 3

    lauren yours look fantastic babes!! I met becky up the hospital shes lovely girl! im slightly disappointed that I havent got the upper pole fullness like you have…I had unders as I couldnt go over the muscle, my fella had a go at me because I said I might want them re done lol, I kinda understand how he feels haha, I really wanted the top fullness look im gonna add a pic now in a bra. so glad your happy you also gave me loads of advise beforehand 🙂 xxx


    @dreamboobies25 @rinaule @adelexo @cayla83 @myamoderator youre all brilliant!! Thanks for your advice and supportive words 🙂 i hope youre all doing well!! xxx


    Haha sarah thats so wierd i just tagged you in this!!

    CRx -1

    i’ve literally just commented on one of your pics before seeing this! they look fab! …glad to know you had a good experiance with mya manchester and traynor, i have him next week and up to now manchester clinic has been fab too 😀 xx


    Awww im so jealous you got to meet! We should all meet up for a boobie lunch one day haha @myamoderator you should set up a lunch date for everyone in Manchester/London/Newcastle or halfway between! Thanks so much, its bizzare they look so different without a bra but when i put a bra on the go UP! haha honestly i dont think its where iv had them over the muscle coz they are so much lower when im not in a bra! That bra in my recent pics is a 32E and im measuring att 32FF so its a bit small but sod it i love them up high haha! xxx


    Awww @mummyox you must be SO excited! What are you going for? Mr Traynor is amazing my scars are just brilliant, they will be so fine! Ill go to the loo now and take new photos haha ill let you know when i put them up. So good – who is your PC at Manchester? Iv had Lauren Harris and the nurse Georgina is amazing! eek i wish i could do it all over again haha (how messed up does that sound!!) LOL xxx

    sarah 3

    lol lauren!! ide love them to go up high…friggin things wont have any of it haha…im 5 weeks now but the underwire isnt sitting right…I havent bought a push up one yet im getting some on my bday this saturday they best bloody move, I was thinking to get a smaller size one too….aww wouldnt it be good to have a boobie lunch day we would all look like the titty table lol xx

    CRx -1

    I’m honestly doing my head in with it, boobs on the brain constantly hehe! just can’t wait for it to be over seems like i’ve been waiting forever!! 😀 but yes very excited/nervous and every other emotion heehe, yea they look amazing! .I’m having 525overs from a 32B.& That’s what I will be like just in awe of them afterwards! what size was you and what size did you have? They look fab 😀 if mine come out like yours i will be happy! and mines Harley, and i think my nurse is called Laura.. (I may be wrong on nurse’s name). They’ve been fab up to now 😀 and arh im so impatient i don’t think i will wanna do it again… i commented on one of your pics about a bra you wearing? did you get the notification? xx


    LOL!! We should defo go to somewhere we can sit away from the eyes of the public ahhaa (or not actually!!) Honestly though i would wait to buy underwired bras, I got so frustrated and wanted to wear them sooner than 6 weeks but iv bought bras and i probably wear them once a week haha! I wear my one from sainsburys all the time its amazing! (@mummyox) thats the one on my pic you commented on =D – its a padded sports bra and it was only a tenner – best thing ever! (thank you for the lovely comment by the way) 🙂 xx
    I was a 32C and now a 32FF! Crazy haha but no, my boobs literally didnt move til like 7 wees i was getting well worried hah! but now they do their own thing – i have to wear 2 bras for sports haha! Love them and im sure after a few more weeks they will do as theyre told lol coz mine are SO much more moveable now than 6 weeks ago. Cant beleive how fast time has flown! xxx


    Laura is the nurses name i had her for one of my visits too! aww well you have all of our support and please dont panic, its amazing and you will wake up so happy!!

    I still lstick to the comment my nurse said to me before i went down…

    Dont let a few minutes of fear ruin a lifetime of happiness… SO True!

    Love you guys!! @dreamboobies25 haha titty table LOL =”D xxx

    sarah 3

    wow thats a relief, its like theyre sqiushy but wont move upwards, good to know to give it a few more weeks then 🙂 I got an underwire it doesnt sit well at all, ive been braless for a week too it actually really helped them soften and drop, but back to supporting them again lol think ill take a trip to Sainsburys and grab one from there today, which push up ones have u got chic and where did you get them from? xx

    CRx -1

    arh thanks 😀 i will be having a look in sainsbury’s after my op, thanks for letting me know cause have been a bit worried at what can wear otherwise… and no wonder I would be happy with them at 32FF’s hehe, glad you’ve had a good experience and they are settling fine, just hope I’m just as lucky 😛 …what size implant did you have btw? xx

    sarah 3

    can you imagine the look on the waiters theyde think hooters are in lmao xx


    HAHA! Maybe we should go to hooters we would fit right in!! hahahahah made myself giggle out loud then! lol i think its funny how much they change , like mine wouldnt push up at all at first! But the sainsburys ones are padded ones theyre a tenner i think and they just feel soooo comfy and they let you drop a bit too coz they arent really tight! Just be careful not wearing a bra too much coz the pocket they heal in needs to stay tight around the implant, you dont want them by your knees in a years time haha!

    I had 410s babe and i would maybe have gone one bigger but i think im happy with them as they are 🙂 Boob greed is a killer!

    My push up bra is from La Senza i think… its a 32E and its padded too so gives them a right shove! xxxx


    @dreamboobies25 @mummyox just put up 3 more pics – 2 of my incisions and one of the bra you asked about! Its actually on offer at the moment in LaSenza 25% off! xxx


    im also on twitter and instagram if any ladies want to follow 🙂 @LJay_xox twitter and instagram same name 🙂 xx

    sarah 3

    they look fab im going to la senza on saturday they have a good sale but online not many sizes left so ill take a stroll in and see what theyhave going thank u hun xx


    Awww glad iv been here to help and still am haha, your new pics they look amazing, I cant seem to find your instagram mine is _RMWX


    what profile did you get hun ? x


    they didnt tell me Julie, just whatever he did he did haha! xx


    Found me @rinaule !! Followed you back 🙂 thanks again *mwah* dont be going anywhere girls im not done with you yet haha! xx

    Becky 1

    OMG Lauren they look bloody amazing!!
    And I’m so up for the hooters date! Hahaha
    Sarah yours look fabulous too, I’ve not bought any bras yet I am waiting until my appointment next week and then I’ll be going on a huge bra and bikini hunt! I’m abit scared to put an underwire bra on! I feel like it might dig in or something! I think the boobies will look completely different in a proper push up bra than wearing these sports bras! I cannot wait to buy a push up bra and get these bad boys on show!! 😀 xx

    CRx -1

    just had a look at your new pics they are looking amazing!! makes me more excited for mine!! xxx


    hi lauren… just had a look at your pictures – they are looking amazing – scars are very neat.. was wondering at 3 months post op do your boobs move around a bit or are they still really hard and in one position? im only 2 weeks post op so i know im only early days. also are you allowed to sleep on your front yet??


    @jamiesimpson hey! thanks for the lovely comments – i went to see MR Traynor yesterday for my 12 week check up and he said they look amazing, healing really well and i couldnt be happier! I really wouldnt worry about sleeping on your side/front, i always do and they dont move or go wonky haha! I think its just about when its comfy, just trust your body to tell you if its ok or not lol if that makes sense!! They will become sooo soft and moveable – mine took about 4 weeks i think and they started to get much softer but they do change every day. I think i made the decision to not wear really tight bras after week 3 just because i felt they ewre too high up and they have dropped into a lovely shape now. 2 eweks post op and looking fantastic hun, they will drop and not be as hard and high! … just look at how high mine were at 2-4 weeks and then what theyre like now, they change all the time!! Hope im helping lol and if you need aaaanytjhing let me know! The girls iv tagged in this post are wonderful and you can always rely on them for sound advice 🙂 xxxx


    @mummyox thank you!! and @beckyhax im so glad youre okay! Im defo going to try arrange something i think it would be lovely for girls to meet up and have a gossip!! Im going to start a new post about it!! Go for it with the bras bex, but just know i bought loads and i wear them hardly ever unless im going out haha! Sports bras are just soooo comfy! One thing i would recommend is make sure the bras dont rub under ytour arms, i spent £90 in Boux avenue and cant wear them cos the cup is so big it goes too far under my arms and the straps rub me :'( not good! But just something to bear in mind! xxxx

    Becky 1

    Hmm this is what I’m nervous about. It’s my birthday next week so I’ve asked for money from eeeeeveryone and I’m gonna go out and buy a whole new wardrobe of bras and bikinis and I’m abit nervous about wasting my money! Especially as girls say they change in size too? Do U buy non-underwired ones Lauren?? X


    LOL! thats well strange my birthday fell like 3 days before my 6 week checkup!! Its ace getting bras for your birthday! I didnt buy loads coz i didnt want to get the wrong size but they all still fit me haha! Mine didnt change from week 4 to now! But they are softer and more comfy to wear underwires – it takes some getting used to, they feel so tight! Lol but well exciting to go spending i love my bras now and bikinis OMG TALK TO ME!! hahaha xxx

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