3 weeks.. Can I go swimming Started by: Bonny

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  • Bonny 5

    Hi girls,

    I’m literally desperate to go swimming today and everyone I’ve spoken to like my mum dad and boyfriend seem to think it won’t be a problem because your allowed to get them wet? I’ve also got waterproof dressings too.

    What do you think? ?


    In my post op book it says I can’t swim for 6 weeks, but I havent got any waterproof dressings on. Did your nurse or anyone say anything about getting them wet? I know I’m not aloud to bath just yet either only shower X

    Bonny 5

    Oh right, maybe I better not then, she did yeah but my memory is so awful I don’t remember things well hah. I have been bathing but not actually soaking the incisions x

    Beverley 74

    I’m nearly 11 weeks post op – At your 6 weeks post op assessment with the nurse if she’s happy with your progress the nurse will give you the go ahead to resume your regular routine for example go swimming , going to the gym

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