I am not satisfied with my BA. I have 450cc implants HP. my op was on 22.08 and my breast has not changed much since then. my nipples are very far down and look sloping down. do you think that will be even better and the implants go even deeper? or have the implants been set too high?
have your implants gone down? I’m currently so dissatisfied with the result. it looks like a waterfall. did my pc make a mistake? Do you know what I can do?
Are they under the muscle? Looks like they are being squashed up by the muscle still and need to drop down into the pocket which can take months unfortunately. Have you tried using a breast band to push them down? x
I am now 6 weeks po and it is not better. The implantats are under the muscle. I think i need a second op. I know it needs more time but i the implantats drop not so much down. It looks not good.