3 weeks post op Started by: lindsey

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  • lindsey 123

    So I’m 3 weeks on Wednesday and everything’s good my incisions are healing nicely my left boob has dropped a little bit more then my left but I’m guessing that’s normal early on. I must admit I feel my boobs are going smaller then the first week after op it must of been the swelling I’m happy with the size though.
    As you kno I thought my incision was infected last week so I went to the walk in centre they told me it was infected and they put a antibacterial dressing on and did a swab I rang doctors a couple days later and they said my results came back normal which was great so all that panicking and it was all in my head. I saw the nurse at mya who also checked them and said they looked fine but put another dressing on that I has to leave on for 3 days. It’s off now and they look fine so panic over ?
    I’m no longer in pain and have been managing to sleep on my side in bed though it’s probably best not to but I find it very hard sleeping on my back. I still get back ache now and again but it’s nothing major I’m very pleased with everything so far.
    I’ve put a couple pics on my profile for this week.
    hope everyone’s OK and healing well and good luck to all the girlys waiting to have their op xxxxxxx

    Jo 35

    Hi Lindsey,
    That’s great news. I’m really pleased to hear your incisions are fine now and the healing is going well.
    Oh I cant wait to sleep lying down! I’m still sitting up at the moment, although the pillow under the bum trick, which I started 2 nights ago, has meant I’ve had a really good couple of nights sleep.
    Happy healing!

    lindsey 123

    Thank you hun. How far post op are you. How’s everything going? Pain etc. Do you know when we are allowed a shower is it 6weeks. I want a good wash lol. Xxx

    lindsey 123

    I have been having baths lol xxx

    Ele Wills 69

    i’ve been showering!! she said good to go for showering and no baths for me just shallow baths so i have shallow baths with my bra on ha xxx

    Jo 35

    I’m doing ok thanks. I’m 12 days post op now. 🙂
    At my 1 week check, the nurse told me that I could shower, but just not to put any products directly onto the incision sites for 6 weeks. It feels really good to have a proper shower!
    The healing is going ok thank, things are getting easier on a daily basis. One side is much better than the other, I can reach up to get things out cupboards with one arm, but the other arm cant quite get there yet.
    I’m still a bit bloated which is not nice, but that’s getting better too.
    Pain is pretty much non existent, although I’ve been yanked around by my kids the past few days and I did take painkillers yesterday as one boob was aching quite a bit.
    But it’s all very much worth it though and I love my new boobs! It feels like Christmas every time I undo my bra for a look! haha

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