3 Weeks post op and feel small and uneven :( Started by: Jenna

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  • Jenna 1

    Hi just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me Im 3 weeks post op today, and I feel like my boobs are really uneven is this normal? My left is still sat higher and looks bigger than my right. And they feel really different aswell. X

    Rael 20

    I would defo say to wait for the 6/8 week period that they advise is when the breasts drop and fluff, to judge on the results, as you are only 3 weeks post op and that is still really close to when you have had your surgery done.

    High hopes and be excited to see how they turn out in a few weeks time, I am sure they will be fine x

    Claudine 196

    Hi Jenna, try not to worry about issues like that at this very early stage it is completely normal, you have to treat it like two seperate operations there different breasts so they will heal at different times and yes often one drops faster, it might then catch up and heal faster making the bigger one smaller, obviously there can be size differences long term for some but it’s not something that would even be possible to consider until at least 6 months post op so try to relax, you will see your own question repeatedly posted day after day on here all day long and nearly all have a great final outcome 🙂
    Happy healing huni, look after yourself and keep your spirits up by ignoring them for a while and focusing on all the benefits you have coming up when they are healed and your ready to buy fab bras and clothes etc…..xxx

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