3 weeks post opp with Mr Mahdi Started by: Shannen Spicer

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    I’m only 3 weeks post opp but I can already see them starting to drop and they’re looking AMAZING! I’m so happy with them!
    For reference I’m 5’9 was a 36AA and had 350cc dual plane high profile textured implants! And I love! My scars are unnoticeable already and I can’t thank Dr Mahdi enough!

    Kylie T 1

    Ahhh I’m going with him two weeks today and I’m so anxious – why is the fear coming now?!

    I have appt Friday to confirm size – he’s advised 400+ overs – I’m 5ft8 and broad so he said I need larger ones but it scares me so much they’ll be too big

    I really trust him though, how was surgery and how are you feeling? I’m so happy to see you’re loving them already!!!


    I have my surgery booked for 21st may with Dr mahdi, super nervous but excited! Can’t decide on size either! Got appointment on Monday to try make a decision.

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