3 WPO Teardrops + word of advice Started by: emma

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  • emma 40

    Hi girls I’m currently just over 3 weeks post op after having 380cc teardrop unders. I’ll post a pic just so you can see my progress (I’ve got more on my profile and other threads).

    I just wanted to say to anyone who is going to have a BA or considering having one to try not to get an uttainable image in your head of how you want them to be.. ie perfect round and symmetrical because sometimes slight differences between your boobs are actually made more obvious after having implants simply because they’re are bigger.

    Don’t get me wrong I am so glad that I did it and love not worrying about wearing my 2 sizes bigger bras or what I can’t wear however my surgeon told me pre op that one of my nipples pointed slightly outwards and the other straight forward which is something I had never noticed and still couldn’t see after he said it (not that I ever really looked at them as I hated them)! Now that I’m taking pics of them post op I am noticing it more and it was getting me down a bit because I thought they would look exactly like this image in my head and that surgery would magically make them the same!

    Basically I’m trying to say try not to get hung up on the small things. Boobs are naturally not exactly the same so its unlikely after a BA they will be either. I think its just somthing we have to embrace. Regardless, I feel so much better about my body now and I know it was worth it xxxxx

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    Vicky*★. 231

    Brill advice Emma thankyou for this post x I am the same never pay much attention to them or even look at them as I hate them 🙁 I’m in surgery on Tuesday so I just think whatever the outcome it will be great to finally have some boobs! Yours look absolutely fantastic xx what size were you before? Xxxxxx

    Eleanor 16

    They’re looking fabulous! And yes I’ve even thought this myself! Excellent points made!

    emma 40

    Thanks girls 🙂

    Vee – (don’t know how to tag you haha) I was a small 34b before if you add me I’ve got before pics and other pics on my profile. Good luck on Tuesday!! It’ll go so quick xxxx

    Vicky*★. 231

    I’ve no idea how to tag either it’s madness isn’t it haha! X and thankyou very much Emma xxxxxxx


    They look incredible !x


    Did u have two different sizes xx

    emma 40

    Thanks Hayley!

    Aimee- no I had both 380cc my boobs were roughly same size before

    🙂 xxxxx

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