3 year old boobs not happy at all advice and helped needed Started by: sharleene

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    I had mine done just a little over 3 years ago and I’m really displeased with them after a awful infection and bad experience iv not had the confidence to go and complain
    I thought they may settle abit more but there awful I feel less confident as I did before the op
    I have to wear a bra constantly and there different sizes and just look horrendous to me
    I wanted a nice round pair of boobs which I saved bloody dam hard for
    where do I stand

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    Lyndsey 42

    I’m sure that they look a lot worse to you than other people Hun. If you’re unhappy go back to the clinic you originally used but I don’t think they do much unless you have an issue such as CC or something medically wrong as opposed to aesthetically. I don’t think they look bad to be honest but we are always more critical of ourselves x


    Hey sweetie Defo go bk see them as time is running out for your cover on them if not already run out as it looks like one of your implant has drop low and will need bring bk up xx


    Iv been ringing but noone will get back to me 🙁 there different sizes nipple looks weird on one and there so saggy i have to get push up bras to get some lift there not what i asked for at all

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