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  • Bobbie 1

    I’m currently deciding on whether to go ahead with BA surgery.
    I had my consultation with Dr Mounir who was lovely however advised waiting till after my second child to have the procedure.
    I have been wanting a BA for many years and finally got round to getting the ball rolling.
    I understand the reasoning of waiting due to breast changes in pregnancy.
    However I also think why wait when you don’t know what could happen in the future.
    The lovely MYA ladies helped me try implants in and it felt amazing to see myself with bigger boobs.

    Any advice welcomed.

    Lucy Rosa 3

    Hello Bobbie! I was in a similar situation when having the initial consultations for my breast augmentation, i have been flat chested my whole life! At 25 i’m now in a good position to have the surgery (financially and from a recovery perspective), however i would like to have a baby in the next few years… so i was torn at first between having the surgery now or waiting till after kids. I kinda, along with the advice of my surgeon decided to go ahead with the surgery first. I dont plan on having a baby in the next year, a year i could have feeling a lot more confident than i do now. I also know lots of ladies who’ve had breast augmentations and then gone on to have babies, and their boobs havent changed that drastically at all, if anything most say they just appear softer and more natural after pregnancy.
    I really think its up to you. I decided i would benefit more from having them done now, and them seeing me through my ‘family’ years, i can always have them re done in 10 years time if i need to.
    Hope you make the right decision for you 🙂

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