300 cc hp dual plane Dr Tsekouras Started by: Rali

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  • Rali 41

    Hello I had my surgery done 10 days ago at MYA Fitzroy. My overall feeling is that everything went well post op recover too but I am not sure if I am depressed or confused about the size of my new boobs. I know it takes time to drop and fluff it’s too early but I need opinion. Is that size right for me?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Rali 41.
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    Nikki 3

    Hi Rali
    I know the feeling I’m 5 days post op and having mixed feelings too !! I honestly think yours look fab. I think they’re a great shape and suit your frame really well.
    My swelling is still very bad so I’m worried mine will be too small as they drop but will see.
    I think the painkillers, sitting around not having a routine and stress of the whole surgery makes u feel quite down. In a few more weeks i hope we will be feeling more positive and ready to start showing off our new boobs !! Xxx

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    Hayley 48

    I’d of said yes, personally I think you are looking great. Everything is in proportion, you will probably be happier once they drop and fluff. I’ve not had surgery yet but from what I’ve seen with other women it is a waiting game til you start to see the true size etc xx

    Megan 57

    I personally think they look great! They look like they suit your frame really well x

    Rali 41

    Thank you girls! Feeling much better knowing I am not alone in this. I think Nikki is right sitting at home waiting and waiting actually is putting me down. I will try to be more patient. Thank you! Nikki you look amazing no doubt they suit your body frame

    Alex 15

    They look fantastic! I think the size suits your frame perfectly x

    Monica 122

    Rali I think you look great! Totally suits you. Just look at your photo once again and imagine a nice low cut dress on you! Xx

    Rali 41

    Thank you Monica! I have checked the photo a few times already and I think you are right my there is good balance and definitely look more beautiful than before. And yes I am seriously thinking to go shopping to relax my nerves ?

    Monica 122

    Haha, shopping is always a good remedy for low mood especially if you are shopping to replace clothes after BA. I need to get rid of all my underwear ?

    Elle 81

    They look lovely!!! Suit your figure so much I hope mine turn out like that ?xx


    I think a lot of people feel the initial boob depression it’s because you have no idea how they will look before the operation so can be hard to picture the outcome. Also you’ve just gone through such a big op and had lots of drugs in you so you’re bound to feel weird for a bit. All I can say is I’ve had mine for just under a month now and they have changed so much since first done. Under the muscle really lifts them up so when they drop and relax a bit they look fuller and they’re softer so don’t look quite so fake. Just give it time, I felt the same for about a week but now I am 100% happy and love mine. Definitely go and buy a bra that cheered me right up, I know they say you shouldn’t for a while but just buy a lacey non underwired bra and you’ll see how good that makes you feel!

    Dee 15

    ahh they look great he did a good job ! i can’t wait #BOOBENVY LOL

    Becca 167

    Definitely have faith in the drop and fluff! They will change so much it’s unbelievable. They really will fill out a lot more, change shape, change position. They look great already, and they will only get even better with time. They definitely do suit you.

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