300cc Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 1

    How much does 300cc implants cost I am just looking at how much roughly to save

    Ruby 12

    As far as I know, with MYA the cost is the same for all sizes as they didn’t mention anything different for me.
    My full price includes all pre op appointments, stay & care on the day, all aftercare etc and also if something is wrong in the next 3 years and I need them redone that is all included in the price.

    Does anyone have any different? The two people I know had the same price as this.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Comment contained pricing details breaking MYA's community guidelines
    Amy halliwell 28

    I had the same price as you. My surgery date is 28 feb x

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