300cc/325cc from 34a Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 1

    Having my op on 27th march currently a 34a and hoping for a c cup , I’m 5ft 4 and 8.5 stone. Does anyone have any pics please and did you achieve a c cup ? Thank you

    Bonnie 3

    Hey, I am 5ft 2 and 8 stone and went from 34A to 300cc bigger. It’s still hard to tell as it’s only been a few weeks since my surgery but I would say I’m about 2 cupsizes bigger. I have quite a small frame though. Your surgeon should be able to tell you roughly how many cupsizes it will be. 300 definitely felt like enough for me as I didn’t have much breast tissue or fat there to start with. Any bigger would have looked weird for my frame I think. Just excited to have something to fill a bikini top now!

    Emma 1

    I’ve been told I should be a c cup by my surgeon I do trust her just don’t want to be disappointed with the size , I’d hate to think I’d gone too big or too small

    Millie 5

    Hi Emma, what CC are you going for?
    I’m 5ft4, 9 stone, was an A cup before and asked for a full C/small D cup. I went with 325cc high profile, dual plane implants and measuring a 32D now 10 weeks PO. It’s all dependent on your starting look and how much breast tissue you have etc. but your surgeon will be able to advise on that front x

    Emma 1

    Hi, either the 300cc or the 325cc , both sizes have been ordered in case the 325cc doesn’t fit I’m having mod plus.you are so close to my stats . I don’t have hardly any breast tissue at all! X

    Millie 5

    Fab! Yeah my surgeon did the same and went with what looked best, they know their stuff so just gotta trust them 🙂 I didn’t either was basically just nipple to begin with🤣 I’m excited for you and hope you love your result! X

    Emma 1

    Thank you ! And thank you for your help ! X

    Sarah 3

    Hi, in May last I went from 32a, weight was 51kg and am 5’8. I had 325cc mod + extra and now I’m a 32dd.

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    Emma 1

    They look great Sarah bet you are so pleased with them , I hope mine look as good just can’t wait to just get them done now x

    Bernice 51

    Hi, I’m roughly the same stats as you but 32A – had 275cc high profile. I’m only on day 9 (swelling has gone down loads) but I’d deffo say I could fill a C cup now! I’m over the moon! Good luck x

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