300cc before and after Started by: Holly

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  • Holly 16

    I’ve got my surgery on the 1st September with Mr Mashhadi and my surgeon said The max I can have is 300cc. I’m worried they’re going to be too small so I’m looking to see peoples before and afters.
    I’m around 5’4 60kgs and a flat 32/34A.

    Jess 25

    Hi Holly I’m in the same boat as you and worried I’ll be too small as well. The biggest I was suggested is 300cc by Dr Traynor. I’m 32AA, having unders as I have little breast tissue. Hopefully, we can find someone whose had there’s done and similar to us ! Jess Xxx

    Marta 12

    Hi girls!
    I had 300cc was 32A now I’m 32D 5’6 tall, 55kg and size 8. They are a bit small I would go for 450cc now but wasn’t allowed bigger because of little breast tissue.

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    Holly 16

    Thank you so much! They look lush tbf. Do you have any before pictures? I’m hoping it will be okay as he won’t let me go any bigger even if I wanted to! Xx

    Marta 12

    I would advise you to ask for at least 350cc or have another consultation with different surgeon, it’s not a big implant and you may be disappointed. I’m still a bit upset with the size and wearing padded bras. On my first consultation I was told 245cc max then I asked for another one with different surgeon and was told 325cc max. Now I’m one year post op and can see that there was enough space for bigger implant he could easily fit 375cc. I’m planning another BA in the future and will have 450cc.

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    kristy 5

    I’m similar stats as you holly am 5ft 4 and 58kg was 60kg a couple of weeks ago but the nerves are kicking in so have lost a couple of kilos. I’m having surgery on 9th september. At my initial consultation my surgeon recommended 280cc, round, unders, dual plane for a natural look. I did the rice test and like the look of 300cc so he said this is fine. I have one breast slighly smaller than the other so he is ordering 300cc for smaller breast and 275cc for larger but he will decide on operation day with sizers whether to do both 300cc or use the 275cc for larger breast. I have looked at so may you tube videos but its so hard to work out what I will look like because some people look big with 300cc and some look alot smaller. How did your surgery go and what did you get in the end?

    Gem 4

    Hi I’m 9 stone a.d 5.2 and I had 300cc 18 months ago but I am.not happy with them.as they really are too small, I wear a D cup bra but fake boobs measure bigger and in reality I look about a large b . Originally a 32a. Its my own fault though as I was fixated on having a natural look and asked for a small implant. I now know that 400cc would fit my body much better . I plan on a second BA soon . I know everyone is different but I would really not recommend a 300cc implant as you will not see much difference . I still find myself wearing padded bras x

    Moni 4

    Hey Marta I’m looking into either 300 or 325cc. If you don’t mind can you please upload a picture of your side profile. I think that size looks great but would love to see the projection from the side. (I’m only 5’0 and don’t want too much projection)

    Holly 16

    Hi Kristy,

    Good luck for yours in a couple of days. Mine didn’t go ahead unfortunately, I asked about 325cc on the day and he decided not to operate.. so I’ve now been asked to go with another surgeon and am now booked in for the 28th xx

    kristy 5

    Oh no holly what a nightmare I wonder why he was so set its not that bigger difference! Its prob a sign and I’m sure your new surgeon will give you your perfect size and results! Thanks am so nervous cant believe it’s actually happening just want to get it over and done with now xx

    Holly 16

    Hey Kirsty.
    When is your date and what size are you going?
    I met with my new surgeon today, Mr Mileto and he’s ordered me 325 and 350! I can’t believe it. He said I can decide on the day what I want. Booked in now for the 28th. Xx

    kristy 5

    Hi holly,
    Wow that’s amazing! I had my surgery yesterday and he was hoping to go for 300cc but surgeon decided in theatre with 275cc he said I couldn’t have gone any bigger. They definately look very modest and natural so far not that I can look very well but I’m wearing a m&s sports bra 34c and it’s a perfect fit am just hoping they dont shrink because I wanted to be a full C! I’m not actually in too much pain the nurses are bringing me paracetamol and ibuprofen every 4hrs to keep on control of the pain. Didnt get much sleep had to wear these anti-blood clot boots all night and they were so noisy. Will send a pic later on today when I go home. Cant believe ive actually done it its mad I was so nervous yesterday but nothing to worry about I feel so much better than I thought I would. Ive already done makeup and fine lifting top on and off so very happy so far Xx

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