300cc high profile overs Started by: Victoria

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    Hi I’m currently booked in for breast augmentation in January! Surgeon has advised me 300cc over the muscle high profile, I train a lot , I’m worried if I should ask for under the muscle or stick to what my surgeon says and keep it to over the muscle? I’m around 5 foot 2 9 stone 5 petite lean build, has anyone had this implant or could recommend more! Any photos welcome thankyou !

    Aimee 7

    I train a lot too and I had 350cc unders high profile, and I’m 5’5 and about 10st or just under. I would say go with what your surgeon tells you but if you feel you want bigger or smaller than what he’s recommended then I would say how you feel because at the end of the day it’s your body and your money and you don’t want to end up in regret if you’re not happy with the results x

    Aimee 7

    I’m 8 days post op with 350cc unders high profile x

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    Aimee 7

    Please ignore my bruises too as I bruise so easily, my nurse did say it was normal though x

    Alex091222 5

    I had 275 and 300cc overs on Friday. I’m 5ft 6 and just under 10 stone. I’m so happy with my results so far and the pain is very manageable. I originally wanted unders as I was worried about ripping, but I went with what the surgeon suggested xx

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    Becky 1

    This is the exact size, shape and placement I have been recommended. Did you go ahead with this and are you happy with your results,? X

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