300cc too small :( plan for second op Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 3

    Hi girls so I had 300cc HP unders with Dr Mounir. I am only 6 days PO and ever since 30 minutes after waking up I didn’t feel they were big enough. I also have asymmetry and throughout all my consultations I was told I would have 25cc bigger in my right side and this did not happen. I was asking the nurses why are they so small when I came around from surgery. I know it’s such ridiculously early days but every day since my op I have wished I was bigger! I am 5ft6, size 10 and had around a 34b to begin with. I was so confused with sizes and profiles from the word go and was always scared of going too big but wanted to achieve balance with my figure and probably around a DD. I have quite a large bum and I am still not proportionate by any means so already thinking of my second boob job. On the day of surgery I panicked and when he came to ask what size I was like I think 300 but please use your judgement make me look proportionate. I really didn’t know what size would be right! I just said to dr mounir work your magic make me look proportionate. I have already asked how long it would be before I can go bigger. I’ve been told I haven’t given them chance but I just know. 🙁 they are still uneven and still what I would consider small. Has anyone been in a similar situation or any advice? Feeling I didn’t get big enough for my frame is just feeling like I’ve wasted the money. I am very disheartened at this point and I’m only a few days post op but this feeling hasn’t gone away since waking up from my surgery. I’m healing amazingly and I’m trying to be happy that I actually have some boobs now but they definitely aren’t what I pictured or the look we discussed. So sorry for the huge essay. 🙁 would love to hear anyone who’s felt this way. Xx

    Chantelle 64

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    Would you be able to post a pic, I’m not in the same boat as I’m small and now I’m in preportion however I would like them just a tad bigger but I’m oblyth 12dpo so hoping they will fill out a bit x

    Emma 3

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    Here’s a before and after. I wil so be having these re done even if it’s not with MYA. The sizes confused me from day one I never really knew what to go for so on the day I just asked him please create the look I’ve shown you in pics which was like a double d. I will be going up to 400s in future I think and getting the symmetry corrected. You can’t really notice it in pics but in person my right one is so much smaller. Xx

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    Emma 3

    Oh here is a before pic it didn’t upload properly.

    Emma 3

    My before pic won’t upload! 🙁 with the surgeons drawing on me from the day. This one may work.. xx

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    Chantelle 64

    Give it a good few months before you go for the second op hun they will change loads xx

    Emma 3

    I have to wait 12 months my PC told me. I’m seeing the nurse tomorrow for my one week check so making sure they know all my worries and concerns and how I feel. I did this so I could feel confident topless and braless but I feel I will still end up using padding to create the size I wanted. It was maybe miscommunication between me and my PC, or me and my surgeon. I just got scared of going too big but for my frame I now think 400 would have been perfect for my desired look. And still have asymmetry 🙁 hoping they fix the asymmetry if nothing else. Just quite disheartened. I know they’ll change a lot Hun. What size did you get xx

    Laura 143

    Hiya, id definitely say that they need more time your skin looks really tightly streched at the min so when it loosens up you will see more size increase my surgeon told me that becasue id had kids an they have already been stretched before i would see the result quicker, in someone that hasnt had kids or in someone that has really good tight skin it takes longer an thats probably all that as keeping them pushed down at the moment. In a few weeks once your skin has stretched they could be much bigger than they are now xx

    Emma 3

    Thanks babe just looked at your profile you have the same stats as me same height and I’m around 10 stone and a size 10. I haven’t had kids and my skin is very very tight your are right there haha . I wish I had 400s like you I really really do. But when you are used to being so flat chested and don’t know how heavy implants are it’s all so scary and 300s look big on some girls who are smaller! I will give them time and try be patient with them. Xxx

    Chantelle 64

    I feel even smaller at 240cc xx

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    Emma 3

    They actually look so perfect on your frame Chantelle honestly! You aren’t tall and you do look petite. Everyone warned me about boob greed and wishing for bigger never expected it to happen to me. It’s such a rollercoaster one min I love them next min I wish I hadn’t bothered or just gone huge since it costs 5 thousand pounds Xxx

    Laura 143

    I think you will be suprised when your skin loosens up. Its all a waiting game but more for you, like i say i had extra skin to fill so mine was more instant. Yours will get there just takes longer try not to worry just yet xx

    Emma 3

    Thanks babe my skin was so tight I forget until I look at my before pictures. Have been so used to wearing thick padded bras for so long that when Iook down at my boobs I look the same… But now it’s boob rather than padding! Brain has registered that part yet. So many girls wish they went bigger I never thought I would be one of them xxx

    Claudine 196

    I was also terrified of ending up too big i was offered anywhere from 325 up to 375, i nearly settled at 350 out of fear but everybody kept telling me to go to 375, i left it to Mr Mounir on the day, i told him i liked the 375 best when trying the implants on under my clothes but wanted him to make the final choice and decide what he thought would look best, i dont think i suffered from boob greed as such (at the start of the process i was going to be the last person to ever get boob greed!!) My BA wasn’t just about size it was the limits i had in terms of clothing and allways needing to be in push up bras, not having the option of strapless that i craved, despite all that once my swelling went down (which was immense by the way!) they did look and feel tiny for a while before D&F started and i did feel a bit dissapointed, im happy with my size now they have fully dropped, i wouldn’t mind them bigger now im used to them but i wouldn’t go through it again to achieve that, you would not believe the whole host of problems that can be brought on by risking fitting an implant that is too large so im sure he gave you what was in your best interests, it would be at least 12 months before they could acertain if you were a good candidate for revision to go larger, especialy as you have not had children so not had them stretched to any degree before this, i realy hope you do see big changes in size during your D&F process and end up feeling like they are adequate so you dont need to consider a further BA, good luck with the rest of your recovery xxx


    Six days is far too early to give a judgement esp if u had unders because u have so much fluffing and dropping to do. I’m practically nine months post op and mine have changed tons in that time. Mine do not look or feel anything how they did 6days,6 weeks, 3 months or 6months even.

    Don’t be so hard on urself and try to have some patience they will change a lot and it can take upto a year. They need to fall into place and fluff out still. If u stress over the size now without giving them a chance to form and heal u will miss out on just enjoying the change and going through all the milestones. Relax and if a larger size is something u think u will need ir won’t be til 6-12 months that u will actually physically see or the surgeon tbh. In the meantime just save if u think it’ll come to that bur worrying and stressing this early on is just gona make u ill

    Ali 7

    @emmajxo I think you still need to give it some time, I feel the same atm with mine and I’m 2WPO tomorrow.. I had 375cc and I have a different opinion on them every day. But I have a friend that had hers done and she said she didn’t actually fall in love with them until about 6 months after the op. I’d just give it some time, yours look fine though honestly! They don’t look small at all x

    Emma 3

    Thanks so so so much girls honestly all your comments have helped millions. Claudine that’s helped so much knowing you also felt the same. I don’t feel they are swollen at all they just have a lot of dropping and fluffing to do. I really do need to stop being so hard on myself I know Fran. Everyone is so right in what you are saying. I also change my mind on them every day Ali well every fifteen minutes I feel different about them! I certainly don’t want to make myself ill and this stressed out. This should be a happy time and a time to also be patient. Which is something I have realised I have so little of! Got my one week appointment with the nurse tomorrow so I will see how that goes. So glad I came on this forum because it makes you realise these feelings can actually be quite common! I really hope the drop and fluff works wonders for me and makes me fall in love with them over time I really do! Thank you so much for commenting I appreciate it so much because ever since I woke up from surgery I thought oh they aren’t as big as I imagined. And I do need to just enjoy the process and watch them change then see how I feel in 6 months or a year xxx

    Chantelle 64

    @giraffequeen your so right, my surgeon picked out a suitable size for me and I was worried about them being too small but she said it would cause rippling if I went any bigger x


    Honestly hun I’ve been on the forum for practically a year and it’s really more common than u think. A lot of girls become anxious post op about the size and the forum is a great place to receive support and guidance because whether ur happy or unhappy about ur boobs unless u have gone through the journey it’s hard to fully understand the emotions ur going through. This forum supported me loads as I felt I couldn’t really speak with my actual mates about much I just felt like a science exhibit half the time.

    Try to take each day as it comes and hard as it is don’t compare ur boobs to others! Everyones body and outcome is different and responds differently to stretching and changes that’s one major thing I personally took from this post op! x

    Emma 3

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    @fran32 Thank you. I really wish I joined this forum before my surgery but wishing isn’t going to achieve anything now haha. I just used before and afters that my PC sent me and the sizers to try understand sizes rather than speaking to people who have actually has this procedure! Yeah I don’t really want to speak to my friends about it apart from one who’s had a BA as she understands – she also had tight skin and was told she couldn’t go bigger so is having a second op eventually. Comparing really is a killer as what one cc implant looks on one girl looks so different on another! I was worried about going too big all along and worried about stretch marks. It’s my one week post op check today with the nurse ! 🙂 I have to be patient and tell myself they are a big improvement and will change a lot over the coming months xxx

    Sarah 64

    Hi I found this thread very interesting as I’m pretty much your stats – same height and pretty much same weight. I too want to be proportioned. I had consultation (not MYA patient) and was expecting after my research & making my own rice sizers to be offered somewhere in the 400s. My surgeon started the sizers in the consultation
    at 225cc to which I thought “whaaaaat surely not?!” He increased up to 300cc and stopped there. I left really deflated thinking why would girls shorter & lighter with smaller frames than me be offered 375cc, 400cc etc but i got 300cc as the biggest.

    I booked to go back a week later and asked if he would increase the size. He did… to 325cc!!!! Now after reading lots of stuff I knew the extra 25cc would be hardly noticeable so really I wasn’t any better off.

    I decided to get a second opinion so saw another surgeon at the same Spire hospital, who took all my measurements again and said “I think 325cc teardrops maximum, not for round implants” GUTTED!!! Why???? Aaaarrrgghhh!! I asked which make he uses and he said Allergan (Natrelle). I looked online and the 12cm HP Natrelle teardrop was 325cc BUT the 12cm Mentor HP teardrop was 390cc. I emailed and asked if he could use Mentor instead and he agreed so this is how I’ve managed to get 390cc but prior to that I was stuck at 300/325 offers.

    Really strange how some are offered bigger with smaller frames. I too asked to be at least a D, if not DD. I know I haven’t had mine yet, but your post was too similar to me to not give you my story so that you know you’re not the only one of same stats who got offered 300cc xx

    kelly 58

    Emma, i thin they look great for 6 days!! However.. if you were promised 25cc larger in one, and that didn’t happen, then surely you should not have to pay again, as really they have not done what was agreed. However to me, they look the same. I have not had mine yet- ( 1st November) but my friend has and she thought hers were way too small, even at 4-6 weeks. however as she had unders, they took time. now they look bloody huge!! be patient. i think 6 days is well too early


    Over comparing is the route to madness honestly! I would compare my journey to others with similar stats and would get pissed off if mine were not looking the same at certain points. I gave up comparing in the end and just focused on my journey. The tightness was quite uncomfortable for me also so I started to moisturise by week two despite being warned not to until week six. I used natural oils (coconut, shea butter and castor)

    u cannot compare 390cc in teardrop to round they’re totally different for the teardrop will always measure and look more than the round. Ur final outcome will be larger than had u had round. Also no size can be guaranteed it’s all estimation. I was estimated to be no more than a DD and I’m a FF/G and that was with 325cc from a not so full C cup.

    25cc is a minor difference and if on the day the surgeon places the impants and the difference is hardly noticeable it’s not worth a re-op. I had been told one was bigger than the other and was going to have a size difference also of 25cc but my surgeon said this can cause more harm than good, sometimes making the difference worse so didn’t go ahead and mine are fine.


    Hi Emma, I have very similar stats to you, I’m 5ft 6, size 10, 9st 4, bigger on bottom than top. I was previously wearing a 34b although they never fit me right. Anyway, I’m now 6WPO and had 310 cc overs, I have been measured and I am a 30FF (they don’t look as big as an F though!) honestly I know it’s cliche but give it time, you are so so early post op. Mine were like stuck in swollen cones and they changed dramatically on a weekly basis!xxxx

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