300cc UHP and close cleavage/implant pushing together question Started by: Zoey

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  • Zoey 3

    hiya! my surgeon has recommended to be to have between 285 and 315cc with UHP, i’d just like everybody’s opinion on this and to see if any body else has had this with similar proportions to me

    i’m currently 4’11, 7 stone and i have no idea on breast size but i think around 28aa to 30a? i’m really not sure

    my goal is to have cleavage i can push together so they’re touching while wearing a push up bra
    i’ve never really seen how much movement implants actually have so i was curious if anybody could tell me:)

    thank you!!

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    Natilly 37


    I’m 5ft, 7 stone, was a 32a. I had round 300cc HP silicone textured implants over the muscle. I’m now a 32d. They definitely suit my frame and don’t look too disproportionate to the rest of me 😁

    I have a great cleavage when I wear a normal t-shirt bra now, it doesn’t even have to be a push up one!

    Honestly, they’re so much more natural than I ever anticipated, they just feel and act like normal boobs now 😂 I’m over 3 months post op!

    Hope that helps.

    Good luck with yours!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Natilly 37.
    Kimberley 6


    I had 300 HP, I was a 34a before – I’m only 4 days post op so they’ll still change a lot from this pic, currently sitting quite far apart but I had a wide chest bone… x


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    I have 450cc and can certainly do that with mine in any bra 🙂

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