310cc from 32B Started by: Cherry91

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  • Cherry91 -1

    so i know everyone is different and will get different results but would be great to see some girls who are similar, im a 32B and going for 310cc to get me to a D,
    im 5’5 and 7stone, anyone had similar implant? 🙂 xx


    im having this in july im a 32c now and he said itl take me to a DD, im 5ft 8stone size 6-8 x x

    Cherry91 -1

    ooo really, what surgeon you haveing? 🙂 xx

    x Zoe x

    I am similar stats to you. My surgery is on 30 th march and still not sure what size to go for – between 285 and 310, but worried about either going to big or too small. Need similar advise as you! x

    miss-vi 1

    @Cherry91 i guess it will depend on which profile of implant you will have if you get to full D. i had 330 moderate profile to achieve full C, but i know girls who had here 330-ish implants in high and extra high projection measure bigger than C.
    @x Zoe x hun there is not much difference btw 285 and 310 cc. i had to choose btw 300 and 330, and decided for 330 not to regret choosing smaller, even though visually it would be hard to tell 🙂

    x Zoe x

    Thanks for your advice! Your right there isn’t much difference between them, I have done rice test and it’s hard to tell between them, just want to make the right decision. Don’t want them to look stuck on as I’m having the most fake implants but surgeon said because I want them to look full with the obvious shape they are best implants to suit my frame. I am hoping for a full c/ small d and think I would be dissapointed if I ended up any bigger xx

    Cherry91 -1

    i think because im so slim, and i have to have overs due to me having scoliosis, hopefully they get me to a D, i rice test and they look big on my tiny frame 🙂
    can i add u miss-vi? :)xx

    Cherry91 -1

    forgot to say zoe im haveing my done in april, booking it today excited :)xx

    x Zoe x

    Ah that is exciting! I’ve got a mixture of feelings at the moment, getting so close to surgery now! Out of 285 and 310 I think I’m more swaying towards 310, most people say go for the biggest out if your options depending what you want. Are you having extra high profile? Also does any1 know if you have it under muscle does it take some of size away? xx

    Cherry91 -1

    i tried on the same sizes, and straight away went for the 310, i dont actuly know, i think it was just high profile, i need to double check, was so excited that i forgot some of the info lol. have you had your pre op yet? who your surgeon? 🙂 xx

    x Zoe x

    Yeah had my pre op a few weeks ago, my surgeon is dr fallahdar. Everyone keeps saying go for the bigger one! And tbh 25g is nothing. Ive done rice test and tgeres barely any difference. Yours are prob extra as same sizes as I can have but I was same as you was so overwhelmed with info on 1st consultation had to rebook as forgot to ask some questions and found out they were ultra but there’s really not much difference between ultra and high. Ultra is just more projection and slightly more narrow at base. My surgeon said they would suit my frame best. What dat have you booked yours for? xxx

    Cherry91 -1

    ooo ok cool, il have to find out wich im haveing, i know i have the soft touch implants, and im having mr singh, booking for the 24th April did you have to have blood test at you pre op? xx

    x Zoe x

    Ohh not long away 🙂 its flys by!!! I only got 12 days until mine now! Yeah I had to have blood tests, swabs, be weighed and height measured. Nurse also gave me lots of information and another chance to ask questions xxxx

    Cherry91 -1

    ahhh more scared about the blood test then i am surgery, omg 12 days how exciting 🙂 xxx


    Girls I’ve seen that your having the similar size to what I’m having… I had the choice between 280 and 320 and didn’t know which ones… The 280s didn’t seem big enough though! I’m 5ft 3 and size 6/8… Would you say 320 over 280, I’m going under muscle x

    x Zoe x

    I no it goes so quick!! Your date will come around quicker than you think! You will be fine with your blood test – I didn’t feel a thing when the nurse took my blood. xxx

    Hi Katie, when is your surgery? xxx


    My surgery is a week on Thursday! So nervous and the implant size is driving me mad, I’m swaying towards 320 but god knows x

    x Zoe x

    Ah your in the same position as me – mine is 12 days away so 2 days after you! I’m undecided between two sizes! 275 or 310 but today I think I’m going to go with 310 lol xxx

    Cherry91 -1

    i hope so i just want it over with and to have my new boobies haha 🙂
    i got chose of around 290 and 310, i chose 310, i know when there in and i get use to them there probably wont feel to big, plus theres not much in the size difference 🙂
    ooo a week on thursday, are you excited? 🙂 xx


    Yeah I think it’s gonna be the 320s Zoe! I just want to actually have something to show for it and I was worried the 280s weren’t much different to my own! Ha… Ahh I know cherry! I’m so excited for new boobs haha! Soooo nervous though! It’s coming round way too quick! Whens yours? Xx

    Cherry91 -1

    im on the 24th april so excited, just dreading any needles haha xx

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