320cc anyone? Started by: Gemma B

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  • Gemma B 95

    Hi ladies,
    I’ve just had my surgical consultation with Mr Mounir, he offered me 320cc (or he’d see if 350cc fit on the day). Anyone here had 320cc and can show me some pics or let me know what size that took them to? I *think* it’s UHP and under the muscle.
    I’m currently 32a, 5ft 5, and a size 8/10.
    Thank you! xxx

    Anna 9

    Hi Gemma I’d love to see some photos too. I am same stats as you and been offered 300/320/350 by Dr Fiumara and just can’t decide!! Xx

    Gemma B 95

    @anna-t I’ve had a search of the forums and found some older posts. I think I’m just going to ask Mounir to put the biggest that will fit on the day (320 or 350). I like the look of the UHP’s from what I’ve seen too xxx

    Lydia 85

    Hi @gemmyb. I had Mr Mounir. Was 32a, 5ft4, size 6-8. I had 320cc uhp partials and I’m now a 32dd. Pics attached x

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    Gemma B 95

    @lydiamay They look amazing! You must be over the moon, if I get results anywhere near as good as yours I’ll be very happy xxx

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