325cc Moderate Plus Overs Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie 16

    Thought I’d share my journey so far as it might help another girl decide what size she’d like to get.
    I went to the Bristol clininc and spoke to Fay who is absolutely brilliant. She asked me lots of questions to do with why I’m thinking about getting my boobs done to what size id like to be. Then at the end of my appointment she gave me a folder with 3 possible surgeons in that I could choose from and told me a bit about them. As soon as she gave me these and told me that Mr Marcellino like to have a joke around I knew he was my surgeon. I went away from the first consultation very happy with all my questions answered. Then it was time to book my consultation with Mr Marcellino. So I went ahead and booked in to see him and he asked me what size I would want to be ideally. Then took a look at me and gave me the option of 300cc, 325cc or 350cc. After speaking with him I then had a consultation with Fay, this was to try on the sizes that Mr Marcellino had suggested for me. I fell in love with the 325cc and wanted to take the demonstrators home with me. Then I booked my surgey for 15th October and when I say time flew by up until my surgey day, god it flew! Before I knew it I was at Mya Fitzroy in London at 7:30am having my blood pressure taken. Next thing I know Mr Marcellino comes round to see me to double check I’m happy with my size and to draw out his surgeon jargon on me. Then I get taken down to theatre and everyone is so lush and make you feel so calm. Then the next thing I remember is waking up in recovery with new boobs! Mr Marcellino and everyone at Mya Fitzroy was brilliant.
    So now I’m 1WPO and already they’ve changed so much! So much more changing to do.

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    Hey Ellie! They look so great! How are you feeling now? I’ve booked in with Dr Marcellino for January and for a very similar size as you! (325/350/375) I’m a 32C/34B at the moment so hoping for the biggest he’ll offer on the day. So reassuring to hear how great your experience was! Would love to see an update on your progress and how you’re feeling! Also, did you have overs or unders? Xxxx

    Ellie 16

    Hey Rachel! Thank you I love them! I’m feeling a lot better now, I’m now 16DPO and they’ve changed so much since that picture. I had overs, it’s what Mr Marcellino said would be best for me. Once I’m home later I’ll upload a picture on what they look like today so you can see how much they’ve changed. Feel free to ask me any questions about surgery day or anything post op!xxxx

    Ellie 16

    This is my progress so far xxx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Ellie 16.
    Ellie 16


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    Tia 11

    They look amazing Ellie! I’m 8 days post op and can see where mine have dropped more I had 350cc mod plus I’m so excited to hit the six week mark when they’ve settled!

    Kate 26

    Wow honestly Ellie i think these are the best fake boobies I’ve seen.you must be made up xx

    Ellie 16

    They’re going to change so much Tia, mine have changed in such a short space of time! And I can’t wait for them to change more. Xx
    Thank you Kate I love them! I can’t wait to see what they look like at 6 weeks, and hopefully they start to soften up because they’re still solid xxx


    Omg Ellie they look amazing!

    I decided on HP instead of Moderate but now you’re making me think otherwise! What made you choose Moderate and do you think there’s much in it? Saying that, I am having to have partials so maybe HP on me won’t be so “high” considering it’ll be under the muscle?!

    Love to know what you think! Also, how quickly were you up and about?! Xxxx

    Ellie 16

    Thanks Rachel! They’ve still got to drop but so far I’m loving them! The reason I chose Moderate is because I’ve always just wanted natural, full boobs. When I went for my consultation with Mr Marcellino he showed me both the high profile implants and the moderate and at first I did choose high. But he then explained that as I was so small they wouldn’t look like natural boobs and then when I went in and tried on the sizes with my pc she said as I was so small high profile would look very fake on me as well. She said if I wanted natural looking boobs (which I did) my best option was moderate but if lots of side boob and lots of cleavage with no bra was my aim then high profile would be the one to go for. Looking back I think high profile would have been too much for me so I’m glad I went for moderate.

    Recovery wasn’t too bad. The first few days wasn’t easy, could move my arms but everything loosened up. You just get very tired and I found myself sleeping a lot during the day but never sleeping at night. (Trying to sleep on your back and upright is interesting). I went to my week check up and that took a fair bit of energy out of me, but id day I was feeling nearly 100% by about 9DPO.
    Hope this helps xxxx

    Lucy 1

    Ellie your boobs look ???????? incredible. So you got 325cc? And what bra size were you before and what are you now?

    Ellie 16

    Thank you Lucy! Yeah I got 325cc Moderate profile, I was about a 32b before and I’m only 24 DPO so still waiting to be measured yet. I’ve got a post op bra from m&s and it measures at a 32dd so hopefully when I get measured I’m around that size! I’ve still got some dropping to do yet I think xx

    Lucy 1

    Amazing. Do you know the size difference if you’re going under/over/partial? Like is 325 partial equivalent to like 300 over and 350 under? 32DD such a great size!

    Ellie 16

    I don’t know the difference between them no, Mr Marcellino said to me the best thing for me would be to go for overs because I had enough breast tissue to cover the implants and that they would be best for me. The best thing to do is speak to your surgeon, they will advise what they think is best for you. I went with what Mr Marcellino and what my patient co ordinator advised and I love them xx


    Hello babe, I was wondering if you could share another update about how your getting on and the drop they have now? I’m going in in 25 days and I’m having literally the same with having the size size boobs to start I am just really curious! They really do look amazing too I hope mine look like this too!

    Ellie 16

    I’m now 5 months post op xx

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    Jaclyn 41

    They look fab Ellie ?

    Ellie 16

    Thank you!♥️

    Claire 14

    Omg ? they look amazing

    Chelsie 14

    Hi Ellie,
    I’ve been offered 350cc moderate plus from a 34c and I’ve been stressing about whether it will even look much different! But after seeing your results I’m sold, they look incredible! You must be so pleased xx


    @chelsie91 Hi Chelsie have you had your procedure yet? My size is the same as you and I was offered 325 and 350. The 325 looked best but I also don’t want huge boobs but Ellie’s look darn big to me 😬 I am thinking they might be too big but then why would PS offer 350 option too! Going over the muscle so won’t even have any muscle pushing them down a bit.

    Lizzie 21

    Ellie you look amazing! Your before picture it literally the exact same boobs & build I am now! I’m getting 295cc moderate plus overs teardrops in October, I’m really wanting the natural look too & you’ve given me some reassurance with this!

    Chelsie 14

    @jb1405 Hi Jess, no I haven’t had the procedure yet, I’m due to have it in January. Have you had yours yet?

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