32A – 225cc overs?? Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah

    Hi Everyone

    I’m new to MYA and had my consult this week, just wondering what size 225cc overs would make me? I’m probably a size 6/32A. Ideally I’d love to get a size 32 D. I tried the sizers on and I think the 225s looked good but I’m worried they may look smaller post op?!

    would be grateful for any advice! thanks!!

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Sarah.

    Did you get any photos, as I’m in the same position as you and really need to see the reality of the size. So I can made a definite decision

    Ellen 8


    I had 350cc overs which is obviously bigger than what you girls want but I was 34b before (small/empty B though) and I’m hoping once they’ve healed that they’ll be a D or at least a full C.

    I’ve posted a photo of mine now so you can see what they look like.

    I’m not sure if 225cc would give a D cup if you’re an A cup to start off with but I guess it comes down to all your measurements so I could be wrong.

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    Paula 7

    I had 34b boobs, I had a uplift in the right with 225 high profile round the right and 250 left and I’m a 34 D/DD haven’t been professionally measured yet. It will look bigger on you as you are smaller than me. Go back for another consult if you are unsure xaqqp

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Paula 7.

    i was a 32A to start with and had 250hp overs which brought me to a 32C but tbh they look like a B to me (I was a size 8 when I had them!)
    I’m booked for revision in November as I want bigger. Different cc will give different sizes on everyone though although I’ve been told for every 150cc you will go up one cup size x

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