32a/30b girls that had overs please! Started by: Leigh

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  • Leigh 63

    Hey girls.
    So after a lot of umming and arrrgghiing about overs and unders, I think I am going to go with overs (finalised decision when I see Dr Mounir again on Wednesday). I can’t take the chance that having unders is going to interfere with my poling.
    I have spent the last year of this journey with unders in my head the whole way! I’m now 5 weeks away from my op and feeling unsure (first time in months).
    If there any girls that started at a 32a/30b that had overs, can I please have a look at your pictures please…I would very much appreciate this as all my research and looking has been on girls my size with unders.
    Any peaks of photos would be VERY

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