32AA worried 275cc won’t make much difference Started by: Megan

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  • Megan 57

    Hiya everyone,

    I’m 5’7, 9 stone and literally nothing on my chest (32AA). I’ve been offered either 250cc or 275cc and been told there’s no way that they could fit bigger implants because I don’t have the room. I’ll be having high profile unders. Is there anyone who went from roughly the same size who could show me some pictures? I’m worried that I’m still going to be tiny afterwards and it’ll be a waste of money?

    Kendra 6

    My stats are slightly different, I’m 5 ft 7, 8 stone and was a 32a. I had my surgery 13 days ago with 300cc hp understand honestly they look amazing already. You’d be surprised a small implant can go along way when your only built small x

    Kelly 29

    I only got 210cc mod profile and i’m currently a 32D from a 32A so.. small implants go a long way!
    I’m 5’1, 100lbs

    Heidi 217

    Im a bit shorter but besides that exact same, was 32AA and HP unders too, was offered 250,275&300 and let my surgeon deside in theatre, woke up with 300cc’s and I absolutely love then, 25cc is only a shot glass so very similar! Now measuring 32D xx

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    Jess 7

    Hey lovely,
    I was the exact same but after looking on here – smaller implants do go a long way! I didn’t go with MYA so can’t post pictures. I got 275CC under the muscle went from 32A/B to a 32E! I’m 5ft9 and 10st, I was only hoping for a D as well! Please trust your surgeon 🙂 Hope this helps xxx

    Megan 57

    Thanks everyone, you’ve all really put my mind at ease?. Yours look great Heidi, I’ll be chuffed if mine come out like that!x


    Hi ya everyone,
    I’m 5,2, currently 32a average build, , I’m looking at having 300cc under the muscle, moderate profile implants.
    I’m hoping to achieve a natural looking big C small D!?!
    Has anyone roughly the same stats as me and able to give me a rough idea what size they ended up after their ba. X Thankyou in advance.

    Leila -10

    I’m 4.11″ and a size 8 and I’m having 325/350cc. I am happy with my choice as I would rather have big than small. As when the fluff you lose a bit.

    Kita 3

    I’m 5.4” and 9 stone, I was a 32a before and I had 375 high profile unders. I’ll attach before and afters 🙂 i’m 8 days post op x

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    Kita 3

    Before pic x

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