340cc overs , help please ! so stressed!x Started by: Ruby xo

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  • Ruby xo

    Hey girls ! I’m having my ba in two weeks time and am having 340cc over with mr kazzazi ! I’m sooo stressed whether its the write size or not ! I’m currently a small B and am hoping for a D the biggest ! Really don’t know whether to go for 325 instead ! Anyone had this size or similar and could help with what size they are now ? Any advice would be great ! Thanks girls ! X


    Hin340 is a average size it’s not that big you problem look a c/d I had 340 but had re op for bigger hope this helps x

    lynseygibz 1

    Hi ruby you’ll be fine I had mr kazzazi 3 weeks ago I had 410 that’s what he suggested I was so nervous before the op thinking there going to be massive but so glad I didn’t go smaller coz I love the size if your not 100% ring mya and make an appointment and go try the sizes on again untill you are 100% Hun xxx

    Kirsty -4

    Hey Hun, I’m booked with mr kazzazi and I’m having 380 unders he offered me 340 to make me a d, or 380 to make me a good d. Xx


    Hi Ruby, I was a small B and just had mine done on Wednesday by Mr Traynor. I didnt know whether to choose 345 but ended up having 365 could of gone up to 410.
    I wanted to be a D also but no bigger than a DD. I have only 2 pics up so far taken straight after surgery add me if you want and you can see. They are swollen on the pic but I dont think they look that big. 340 is an average size and the difference between the 325 and 340 is tiny. x

    Ruby xo

    Hey girls ! Thank yous all for your help !
    Annabell when you had 340 what size did it take u up to ? Did u not find them big enough? X
    Lynsey what did 410 take u to ? I just keep panicing that they’re going to be too big ! I went in the other week and looked at more pictures of 340.!x
    Kirsty when are you having them done ?! So your hoping to be a good D ? Sounds like I’ll be the same if I have 340 overs ?
    And Scoobydoo, did u have overs or unders ? And which size sports bra are you in now ? I’ve added u to take a look thanks ! Xx
    Thanks again girlies ! X

    lynseygibz 1

    Hey Hun I’m not sure what size I am yet not been measured properly I’m I a 34 D sports bra at the mo but I can get measured in another 3 weeks but I love them and glad I went for the 410 I had unders aswell I’m sure you’ll be gone so don’t worry xxx

    Kirsty -4

    4th January I’m having my op, mr kazzazi said 380 will make me a good d so I’m taking his word on it lol x


    Hi ruby it took me to DD sometime suze 34c 30e. Remember implant measure bigger you might be a D cup but look smaller the first initials months you look massive one swellin gone the look. Smaller sure good luck xxx


    You will get to D x

    Ruby xo

    Thanks a lot all of you girls ! Gonna just hope for the best and hope that 340 is ok ! Did yous all have drains after surgery ? X

    Kirsty -4

    I think mr kazzazi does drains with everyone Hun, or so I hear anyway x

    lynseygibz 1

    Mr kazzazi uses drains on everyone Hun you’ll be fine I had drains but there ok there like little hand bags you can carry round with you xxx


    Ive just had 310 from an a cup – add me if you like ive got some pics up. Only 1 week post op so I dont know sizing just yet 🙂

    Kirsty -4

    Can I add you Jema? Who was your surgeon? Xx


    I had 340 unders, there deffo a double DD 🙂 i wil email u pics if u like Rubyxo

    Ruby xo

    Ahhh no I’m sooo scared about the drains 🙁 was told he didn’t use them anymore ! Scaryyy ! Thanks girls x
    Jema I’ve added u to have a look thank you ! 🙂 x
    Holly that wud be great thank you! Should I add u ? R they on ur albums ? Xx


    Just remember a D is different to everyone depending on your back size. So a 30D will be much smaller than a 38D. Everyone has their own mental image of what a D is but it can be hugely different depending on your back size. I would always go on what you want to look like rather than choosing a size so find pics of boobs that you want and ask for that rather than asking for a certain cup size.

    Ruby xo

    So true ! I’m either 32 or 34! Just so scary hoping to go to the right size ! So many girls have same implant and go to different sizes ! Thanks ! What size implant did u have and go to ? X


    I had no drains Hun 340 cc you be fine xx

    Ruby xo

    Thanks hun ! That’s good to know ! 🙂 do u have any pics of urs ? X

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