345cc unders? Before and after photos? Gym after surgery? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 26

    Hi girls!
    I’m booked in with Dr Giannas January 16th! Super super excited wanted this for so long and it’s finally happening! I’m having 345cc unders currently around a 34a hoping to reach a full c cup!
    Any girls with a similar spec have any before and after photos? And I’d love to hear about your experiences!
    Also I weight train 4/5 times a week so as you can imagine I’m not looking forward to being out the gym for 6 weeks, however I’ve been told at 2 weeks I’d be okay to train lower body n do light cardio… anyone have any trouble getting back into training after having their op, especially with unders?

    Thanks In advance lovelies xxx


    I don’t have any photos or advice about the gym a so don’t go but I’m booked in Jan 18th with 325 and 350cc unders as well xx

    Sophie 26

    How exciting! Don’t you feel like time is dragging! Can’t wait until we’re into the new year. Where are you going for your op?


    Hey. Mine are slightly bigger than what you’re having, I’m 22 days post op, and not even thought about the gym! Lol.

    Honestly though, come the middle of week two I felt so weird. It was like a giddy feeling of couldn’t shift – not a pleasant one – but more of a frustrated restless feeling, I think it was because I wasn’t going to the gym! My coordinator told me I couldn’t go to the gym for the first 2 weeks because of sweating etc.
    I’m guessing once the dressings are off and the scabs have healed you should be fine. But you might find you don’t feel like it.
    That’s perfectly fine! You’re paying a lot of money for your new bustacrabs and you dont want to ruin them by doing something that can, in reality, wait.
    4-5 weeks without doing any training seems a long, long time. But it’s worth it to wait and with your muscle memory, it’ll not be too hard getting back into it!

    Good luck for your new boobies xx

    CW 20

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    Hi Sophie! I had unders on 7th October. I’m back to full training and lifting just as heavy as before, even going much heavier with legs than I ever have, feeling great. It took time and I did cardio from 3 weeks po (on the bike and uphill walk nothing strenuous). I’ve heard some girls take 5 months to get back to it but I certainly didn’t! although my surgeon said I couldn’t train chest again so I’ve not even tried xx


    I had 450cc unders 7 weeks ago and I also weight train 4/5 times a week usually. I won’t lie I was NO WHERE near ready to go into the gym at 2wpo, in fact I only just about attempted it at 5 weeks and to be honest it was fine. I think you will know yourself what you can do. But don’t get into the weight training mindset of pain being ok because this pain you really should not be pushing through. I’m feeling good now back in the gym and have started getting back to normal ish on upper body. Not attempted anything heavy yet like deadlifts but I’m confident I’ll get back there. Just be as realistic as possible about ur recovery allow your body to really rest and heal you may feel ok at 2 weeks to try and do a little something in the gym but inside there is stil so much going on. The more time you take to recover and the stricter you stick to the surgeons best practice advice the better your overall recovery will be. X

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