34A with 350cc implant Started by: Zoe Simpson

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    I’m currently one week post op after having my implants put in, hoping to achieve a D cup. My surgeon said with the size of implant I could achieve a D or even an E cup. After this first week looking at my implants I would say I’m currently a C cup which is not what I wanted. I’m 10 stone 7lbs and 5ft 7. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone or if it changes at all?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Zoe Simpson.
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    Lol 4

    Hey I had the same size implant 7 weeks ago and I can fit in anything from a D cup to an E cup and I was previously 32B. I had mine over the muscle too xx


    Yeah I was a 34A which is making me worried that I won’t achieve a D

    Lydia 1

    Hi I’m nearly 5 weeks po got 350cc hp. I was a 32a and fit in a m&s post surgery bra sized 32e perfectly. X


    Did yours get bigger over the 5 weeks?

    Rebekah 174

    I had 365cc and I was measured a D/E cup implants always measure bigger as they are so round but they didn’t look it they looked around a small C cup , Iv had them replaced to 450cc now xxx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Rebekah 174.
    Amy 12

    Im exact same stats as you, i had 400cc unders and measuring a D cup and DD in some x

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